21. Leaked photos

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21. Leaked photos

James Dayton's P.O.V

When I enter the school, I immediatly stop walking. Feeling like something happened, something weird.

All the eyes are on me, and the persons who realized I arrived at school start laughing and pointing their finger at me.

Gulping and looking behind my back, at Mark and Dean, they also seem very confused, just like me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I ask gulping again and looking around, just to notice that now everybody is looking at me.

And when I say everybody, I mean it.

Trying to be strong and not to let the tears fall out of my eyes, almost not managing to do so, I look after a known person, wanting to ask why all of them are laughing.

But I stop breathing and I feel my throat closing when I see the reason why people are acting like I am the clown of the day.

On my locker, there are at least ten photos of me with Aria, while we were yesterday at that restaurant eating pizza. In one photo we are both laughing with a piece of pizza in our hands. In another one, she was feeding me that pineapple pizza.

In all of them, we both look happy, but the real question is. Who took these photos?

Feeling the color from my cheeks draining, I probably look like a ghost right now with my big scared eyes, but I don't care.

I want to go ask Aria how did this happen, but all the people that are waiting for my reaction are standing on my way. But what if Aria is there too, laughing along with them?

Maybe she wanted us to go out for this purpose. I knew I shouldn't trust her this easy, but the way she always seems to feel happy around me made me forget about the consequences.

What do I do? What do I do?

Not waiting for Dean and Mark who are still behind me looking shooked at the pictures, I run to the bathroom receiving another round of laughs from people.

I am phatetic. Instead of being strong and making them see that their stupid photos won't make me bother, I ran like a pussy to the bathroom.

But at this moment, all I feel is regret that I accepted her invitation to eat.

Maybe she told Denis where we are going, and he followed us just to humiliate me the day after. Didn't Aria feel sorry when she was acting all happy and then sad that I was leaving, just to take these photos and make my life a hell?

Some people, I must admit, are just evil and don't mind their own business.

Entering the bathroom, I sigh in relief when I see no one inside, I came here just to get away from people.

Wetting my face with cold water, feeling sweat all over my face due to my previous emotions, I sigh and decide to wait till I hear the bell ringing. Then, people must leave to class and I'll run to mine too.

Hearing the door opening, I roll my eyes and sigh, they came to me here too? Hello, I need some privacy.

"Listen to me." I expected someone laughing at me, but I didn't expect to hear a feminine voice saying these words.

And I definitely didn't expect a hand to come and turn my face towards Aria.

"I know what you are thinking," She sounds tired, like she ran a marathon and I realize that Aria probably ran here when she saw me.

This thought melts my heart but then I remember why I am here and get angry again.

"But I didn't tell anyone to take those photos." She raises her hand and I see that she took all of them off my locker. At least people won't see them anymore.

Though, I am sure that some of them took photos already and send them to everyone.

"And how can I believe you when I barely know you?" I start, angry at this situation. I barely woke up and got to school and I am already tired of all this drama and shit that's happening in my life.

Aria rolls her eyes and takes my hand, making it immediatly warm.

"You have to believe me." She pleads and looks at me with puppy eyes. Oh shit, not the puppy eyes. "I have no idea who did this, but when I'll find out, I swear I'll beat the shit out of that person."

I gulp, she seems angry as fuck, but I don't know if I should trust her. Yes, Aria doesn't seem to be lying but how could I know if she isn't just good at acting?

"I don't know." I sigh and look at her, that's what I'm doing. Just gazing at her beauty.

Not the moment, you idiot.

This beauty could be a snake, but my heart keeps telling me that I am wrong and she didn't do anything to receive this title.

But the brain is always making more rational decisions. Still, even my brain tells me that I shouldn't jump to conclusions without knowing the truth.

"Okay, let's say I believe you. But the moment I found something fishy about you, I am out." I say being very honest.

Aria seems disappointed but still nods.

"I understand why you would think that I took the photos. I was the one wanting to go suddenly out with you every day, but I swear to God I didn't do that. I hope you'll realize." She smiles sadly at me and I have the urge to hug her, but I dig my fingers into my hand to stop them, not to wrap themselves around her petite body.

Damn, she looks so cute right now.

Shut up.

Biting my lip, I look in the mirror almost gasping at how red my face is, I rubbed it too many times because of stress and now I really look like a clown.

Trying to calm down, I drink a lot of water and take big breaths, happy to see that my normal color is coming back.

"I just realized you are in the men's bathroom." I start laughing and I see her eyes widen, like she didn't realize till now.

"Yeah, ours is much cleaner. Men are disgusting." She shakes her head, making me laugh but agreeing with her, even if I am a man myself.

The smell is disgusting and you can see toilet paper everywhere, even near the sink. Disgusting like she said.

"Sooo... Are we good?" Aria starts again and I bit my lips. Life is complicated as hell. What should I say, what should I say?

"Sure." My heart says and I smile, earning a small smile in return.

Fuck me.

Opening the door after Aria, I check the hallway for people but when I see that no one is there anymore, thank God, I run.

This will be a horrible day.



A short chapter like always, ugh. I am lazy af.

I hope the chapter is good at least.

- Laura

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