36. Breakfast with mom

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36. Breakfast with mom

James Dayton's P.O.V

The next morning, I groan and open slowly my eyes. I hate mornings, thank God that today is Saturday. I haven't slept a lot last night.

Speaking of last night...

I turn around moaning and grumbling, just to feel the weight of something all over my body. Taking in my surroundings, I notice and feel a lot of strange things around me.

First of all... why do I have a huge blanket over my head? Making me almost suffocate?

"Stupid blanket." I comment speaking alone like usually when I'm bored or annoyed, and I take hold of the heavy blanket that's resting over my head.

But I stop and my breath gets taken away when I see a body next to mine. I almost forgot Aria slept with me last night. In my room. I just hope my mom won't embarrass me with her perverted stuff.

God knows what she's thinking we did last night together in a room, and alone.

Noticing how the pillow fort we made last night is now a mess, destroyed by our feet and movement while sleeping, I place my head on my pillow.

Hoping I can sleep a little longer.

Yet, when I hear another groan that wasn't coming from my mouth, my heart starts beating faster.

I'm not ready for her to wake up. Last night before we fell asleep, we kissed some more and had a long conversation about Fast food.

Normal couple things.

If we are a couple... I don't think we are yet. We went on a date and even kissed yesterday but we haven't made it official.

Oh God, I should have asked her about it. We kissed, maybe Aria expected this question to pop out.

What if she's thinking I just wanted to play with her? Was she disappointed?

Shut up! No, I don't think she was. But should I ask her when she'll wake up? Or after breakfast?

I hope she'll like what my mother has made. Eggs, bacon, a lot of waffles with whipped cream and bananas and orange juice, coffee or tea with it.

It was my idea and my mom just smirked. I hope she didn't draw with syrup a heart on the waffles or something like that.

My mom is a very romantic person. I can see that when she's spending time with dad.

And I don't want Aria to see that. God no. It can be sickening.

Another noise from my right makes me almost jump again, and I come out of my thoughts just to notice the way Aria is stuck in the blankets.

She has one over her, the heavy one that also fell on me is on her head too and it makes her look like she's in a cocoon. All wrapped up.

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