The Girl Who Sat In Front (Ann Takamaki)

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Akira stared ahead at the girl in front of him. He can't shake that feeling he got from when he saw her before school had started. Kawakami's lecture seemed to fade off as background noise, he wondered who she was, what her name was, what did she like, what was her personality like.. All of it.

His thoughts were interrupted by his phone suddenly buzzing in his pocket, he looked up at Kawakami to make sure she wasn't looking, and reached down to grab his phone. It was Ryuji.. Typical.

Ryuji: Yo, come out real quick.

Akira: Do you need something?

Ryuji: Not really, just can't seem to focus is all.

Akira: Go back and pay attention to class

He put his phone away, despite the buzzing still going on. He looked out the class window, seeing Ryuji glaring at him. He sighed, standing up slowly.

Kawakami groaned as she crossed her arms, "Yes Kurusu?"

"May I be excused to the men's room?" She sighed before nodding her head. The girl ahead of him turned and looked at him, and the two made eye contact for a split second before he walked off. His cheeks flushed slightly, before shaking his head and opening the classroom door.

Ryuji frowned at him as he wrapped his arm around him, "Dude, you totally tried to bail on me just now! Not cool." Akira sighed, remaining silent as they walked around the school, Ryuji going on about nothing.

Akira stared down at the floor, hands in his pockets as he walked beside his rambling best friend. His thoughts suddenly went back to the blue eyes he met before leaving the classroom, making him stop in his tracks and stare at his shoes.

Ryuji turned and looked at him, "Dude.. Are you good?" Akira remained silent and still. His face slowly turned red, and he looked up at Ryuji. Ryuji looked surprised to see Akira in such a state, making him blush slightly. "Wha- What the hell man, what's wrong?"

"I don't feel well, I need to go back to class." He turned without another word, walking back to the classroom leaving behind a shocked Ryuji.

When he got back, he tried his hardest to focus on the lesson, but all he was doing was doodling in his notebook in the end. He doodled nothing in particular, some paper airplanes, some clouds, and a cat for fun. Before he knew it, the bell rang, it was finally lunchtime. He looked up to see what the girl was doing, watching as she got up and grabbed her bag off the floor.

She turned around, fixing her bag on her shoulder before looking down at Akira. Embarrassed that he was caught staring, his face turned a bright red as he buried his face back in his doodles. He could feel her eyes burning a hole in his notebook, so he began doodling everything that came to his head. This included a coffee cup, and a tiny person being angry. Suddenly, the girl giggled, making him look up in confusion.

"Is that Sakamato?" Akira looked at his doodle, realizing his doodle did look somewhat like Ryuji. He grinned slightly, looking back up at her. "I always see you two together, I'm glad you have a friend to help you get through everything."

His smile suddenly fell. So, she knew about his record.. All his chances with her have just flown out the window. Feeling slightly defeated, he closed his notebook and stood up with a slight scowl on his face. He grabbed his lunch out his bag and turned to walk away from her, "Hey.." He stopped, turning his head slightly to signal that he was listening. "I've been through it too you know, not a criminal record of course, but rather having a label on you you can't shake."

His eyes looked out the window, seeing Ryuji waving his phone in the air. His phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket, and he turned to the girl. "I have to go."

She grinned softly, "You know, for someone with a criminal record, you sure are calm." He returned the grin, "Are the rumors true?" He nodded slowly, feeling his phone buzz once more. His eyes went back to Ryuji who now had his face against the window, watching intently. He sighed, looking at his phone.

Ryuji: C'mon I want to eat!

Ryuji: Are you flirting?! What the hell Akira!

He let out a slight chuckle, looking back up at the girl who seemed to be talking about a good food stand. "They have the best sweets, I'm sure you're looking for somewhere good to eat now that you moved up here after all so you should go check it out sometime!"

"Would you show me after school then?" She seemed taken aback by this, taking a slight step back, a shade of red creeping onto her face. Noticing her reaction, he reached out, "No, I'm sorry that was too sudden I'll just have Ryuji-"

She giggled, turning while twirling her hair, "I'll meet you by the entrance then, right after school okay?" His heart stopped, was she pulling his leg? "By the way.. I'm Ann, Ann Takamaki." She started walking away, a big grin played across her face as Akira stood speechless, his face gradually growing to an alarming shade of red.

Ryuji almost busted down the door coming in, shaking Akira so hard he dropped both his glasses and phone. "Dude, what happened! Are you okay you're mad red! Here, I bought a soda drink some!

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