That One Time We Compared Lengths (LEMON) (Ryuji Sakamoto) [REQUEST]

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Are you happy now Ryuji_lovers_922 . as per request by my good friend after like 2 months of nagging (i'm kidding relax)

Bonus Art!!: Kawakami and Morgana posted to r/persona5 by u/Kaamaosteoria artist is 5114Ave

just to clarify i would've named this something completely different but this is what the request was so there ya go lol

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just to clarify i would've named this something completely different but this is what the request was so there ya go lol.

a quick description of this request just in case you guys notice: my friend wanted this to be sort of like.. a lemon version of "That Time We Compared Strengths" (speaking of which I finally found that fanart that inspired it so i'll put it at the end. also if you haven't read that one yet i suggest doing so, it's cute). I wasn't sure how to change that to a lemon but I tried my best so here it is.

daily question: do you like Taylor Swift's song The Man?

fragile masculinity was attacked with that song but god damn is she stating facts


Akira yawned as he watched Ryuji and Futaba finish up their final match, Morgana making himself comfortable on Futaba's lap. As he curled into a ball, Akira laid back on his bed and sighed to himself, hearing the victory music.

"What the hell!" Ryuji tossed the controller on the floor, "T-That shit ain't fair!"

"You totally just got your butt handed to you by a girl." Futaba taunted the blonde, patting Morgana on the head. Ryuji rolled his eyes as he frowned.

He slouched, "I totally let you win that time." He whined, leaning back in his chair. "Y'know what, rematch!"

"No way, I have a show to watch." Futaba placed her controller on the table, placing Morgana on the floor as she rose to her feet. "I'll be back once it's done or if I realize I forgot something."

"Take the cat with you." Ryuji sighed as he stretched his arms and legs, removing his purple sweater afterwards.

Morgana glared at him, "You can't choose where I go-"

He was cut off as Futaba swooped him off his feet and into her arms, squeezing him slightly. "Come on, kitty power!" She raced for the stairs, Akira chuckling as Morgana called out for help.

There was a collective sigh between Akira and Ryuji, the two boys grinning at one another afterwards. Akira stood, "Now what?"

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