Update Update Update, yeehaw

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hi hi everyone. it's been *checks fake watch* 2 months! 🥱

I miss you guys ): I hope you haven't forgotten about me !!! I have quite a few updates on where I have been

1) I moved towns!! I'm still getting settled in the new house so no room tour lol

2) I graduated from my IT class and got an internship!

3) I joined discord!! if you wanna be my friend and chat it up with me, here's my profile!

4) I now write Haikyuu!! one shots, and if you're a fan of that anime then go check em out

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4) I now write Haikyuu!! one shots, and if you're a fan of that anime then go check em out. you can thank my friend Jamie for me getting into it lol

5) anthony and I are no longer together (as im sure some of you noticed thanks to me removing him from my bio)

that's everything I believe! I am currently working on a haru x male reader one shot as a comeback, so be prepared!

for those who made requests whilst I was away: please send in a request again so I know i won't miss anybody!! i'm ready to start writing again since I won't be as busy now

thanks for everything guys! I hope to see all the old familiar faces in the votes and comments once I start publishing one shots again!!❤️

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