Bad Things (LEMON) (Makoto Nijima)

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THIS ONE SHOT IS A LEMON, PARENTAL DISCRE- nah i hope you dont actually show your parents this but pls if you dont like sex and shit dont read this lol

BONUS ART!!: Makoto fanart for this Makoto lemon. Posted to r/Persona5 by u/Thefifalegend21 and the artist is kaijuicery on tumblr

 Posted to r/Persona5 by u/Thefifalegend21 and the artist is kaijuicery on tumblr

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Daily Question: Do you read manga?


Akira felt a wave of confusion wash down on him due to Makoto's words, almost feeling the question marks appearing above his head as he tried to process what his girlfriend just said to him. He felt his mouth go dry and his palms get sweaty, quickly shoving them in his pocket, "Makoto, are you sure-"

"Yes, I'm sure." She rested her head on his shoulder as the two walked, "I'm ready for the next step in our relationship, and I truly hope you are too."

He gulped as he opened the door to Leblanc, Sojiro looking up at the two of them with a smile. "Ah, you're back. Nijima-San, would you like some coffee?"

"No thank you, I have a water in my bag so no coffee today." She smiled sweetly at him, Sojiro grinning at the two.

"Alright, you two have fun." He watched them walk past the customers and bathroom, upstairs into Akira's room.

Akira placed his bag down, sitting on the couch and looking over at her, "I don't know about this Makoto.. Your sister would kill me if she found out, and I don't have condoms."

Makoto sat next to him and sighed, "Don't worry about that, I came prepared." She reached into her bag, Akira's face turning red as Makoto pulled out a medium sized condom, smiling sweetly at him, "I figured that would be one of your excuses so I thought I'd go ahead and save us both an extra trip to the corner store."

He grabbed it from her hand, his glasses fogging up from his embarrassment. Makoto giggled as she took his glasses off his face and placed them down next to her, I figured he'd feel a bit shy at first.

She placed her hand on his face as she turned her body towards him, "Hey, if you're not ready then we can wait. But if you are, then by all means-"

"O-Okay.." He grinned nervously at her, his face still as red as a tomato, "If you think you're ready then.. I don't see a issue with it."

Her heart stopped, watching as Akira fumbled with the condom in his hand before placing it down, "But, let's wait til Leblanc closes."

"Oh.. Of course." She felt silly thinking they were going to get into it immediately, there was still the chance that people would hear them or Sojiro would walk in on them.

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