A Tulip For Your Time Pt 2 (Akira Kurusu x Fem Reader)

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A Tulip For Your Time Pt 2: And a Rose For Your Truth

Daily Question: Do you have a crush on someone?

Quick Recap: On your way home from school you discover a quaint flower shop with a cute flower boy. Wanting to buy a tulip bouquet, you quickly realize that you lack the funds to pay for it in full. Making an agreement to buy one tulip a day, you and Akira also have a conversation about the infamous Phantom Thieves of Hearts, discovering he is a fan of them while you find them a nuisance to Japan.


A week later

You placed your bag on the floor of your bedroom, placing the 10th flower in your vase. You had to wait until Monday to retrieve your last tulip, which felt like such a long time coming.

As you sat and stared at your tulips, you began to wonder about the conversations you've been having with Kurusu. The two of you have been debating about The Phantom Thieves almost every time you head to the shop, and it's quite apparent he's appreciative and supports them. You on the other hand seem to stand your ground on your idea of them being unnecessary and only causing problems for Tokyo. However, the two of you have spoken a lot about hobbies, friends, school, and favorite places to eat.

Thinking about the Phantom Thieves, you began to wonder about the Madarame case. It's peculiar that he suddenly just confessed his crimes in the way that he did. The same way with that teacher's situation at Kurusu's school.. Strange that it came from his school..

Deciding to do research on both incidents, you grab your laptop and lay back in your bed, doing a quick google search for Shujin Academy. A bunch of news stories about their teacher showed up.

"Kamoshida.." You clicked the first link, reading over the news article. As you read it, it mentioned something about Kamoshida coaching the track team before the Volleyball Team, "How curious." You whispered, trying to remember if this had anything to do with Kurusu.

Suddenly, it clicked as your mind traced back to something Akira told you. "My best friend used to be on the track team, but something.. Something rather tragic happened. It was the coach's fault, but there was nothing he could've done about it in the moment."

Tapping your chin, you begin to wonder if Kurusu and his best friend had anything to do with Kamoshida's confession. Perhaps, blackmail?

Your phone suddenly beeped, breaking you from your train of thought as you glanced over at it. It was just your mother telling you dinner was being delivered to your front door as she won't be home in time to cook. Sighing, you slowly shut your laptop and make way to the front entrance to wait patiently for your food.

The following Monday, you rushed out of school to go receive your last tulip. Today you were going to ask Kurusu for his phone number, hoping the two of you will be able to meet up after this is all said and done. But.. Something was still bothering you.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that his best friend was a victim of Kamoshida's abuse? There's no way he's even involved with The Phantom Thieves, I mean they aren't even real! Just some fake news sold by tabloids to raise their ratings... Right?

You rode the train in silence, getting lost in your thoughts and nervousness about today. Just because you caught feelings for the flower boy, doesn't mean he feels the same way. You were merely a customer after all.

Finally the train arrived at Shibuya, and you pushed your way through the crowd to get off the train before the doors closed. As you walked through the station, you spotted Kurusu walking and talking with someone. You raised your hand to say hi, stopping when you recognized who it was.

"He went to middle school with me.. How does he know Kitagawa-Kun?" You watched as Kurusu and Kitagawa said their goodbyes after exchanging what seems to be a trading a card, both of them walking away.

His best friend was a victim of Kamoshida's abuse.. He's friends with Kitagawa-Kun.. Both of these incidents revolve around him. But.. Why?

You furrowed your brows, playing with the 200¥ in your pocket as you walked down to the Underground Mall. Your head was spinning, was Kurusu really who he said he was? Was he truly a normal high school student? There's no way.. There's absolutely no way!

As you turned the corner, you saw Kurusu tying his apron around his back. Sucking your teeth, you walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, having him turn to look at you.

He smiled widely, "(Y/L/N)-Chan! You're early today." He chuckled as he opened his bag and let Morgana out, the cat quickly climbing the shelves to its favorite corner.

"I was excited about my last tulip," You joked nervously, pulling out your money to pay. He grinned as he grabbed your last tulip, trimming off the brown end of the stem before turning to you.

"Here you go, your bouquet of tulips is finally complete." He smiles as you take it from him, dropping the 200¥ in his hand. As you admire your tulip, you lean back on the wall behind you and sigh happily.

To your surprise, there was a rose suddenly in your line of sight, causing you to look up and see Kurusu holding the rose in front of you. "This one's on me."

You feel the blood rush to your cheeks as you take the rose from his hand, grinning softly. You admire the beautiful red flower next to your tulip as you spun it in between your fingers, Kurusu smiling at you. "Kurusu-San.. It's beautiful."

"Oh, please, call me Akira." You looked up at him to see his cheeks had turned a slight pink, "(Y/F/N), is it too soon to ask if I may take you out sometime?"

Continued in A Tulip For Your Time Pt 3: But First, Who Really Are You?..

Sudden ending i know, but originally this was supposed to be a two parter with 2 endings but i liked the true ending so much i made it into pt 3 lmao

are we liking the story so far? i hope so :) i worked hard on this story lol. get pumped for part 3 y'all it's a wild ride

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