VERY Important Author's Note Regarding One Shots

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hey guys

so as most of you know I have a boyfriend (bare with me here it's not about him). and if you read my NSFW authors note a while back you would know that I was going to the doctors to get BC pills. and I got them last week so I started taking them this week. I didn't read the side effects like a dumb ass especially cause these are different pills

now I don't know if I mentioned this before but I had severe depression for two and half years, I did some regrettable things during those two and half years but that's all what made me who I am today. now I say this because it leads to my next statement

one of the side effects of these pills is "change in mood/mental state (chances of depression)" and as much as I hate to say it but sadly this, and nausea have been the only side effects that have taken a toll on me

i've been more than sad these past couple days. i've been lonely, having sudden depressive episodes, i've been losing an immense amount of sleep cause I stay up wondering about all of these things i know are not true (example: does ben like actually love me or is he only with me for the sex?) and then I sleep all day

i'm worried cause I know how I am when i'm depressed. and this is not good.

I have hit a roadblock in my creative process because of this cause my mind is just elsewhere at the moment. I thought I could control it and keep writing but at most i've written was ann's birthday special thats to be released on the 12th.

i'm just. not having a good time rn guys. i'm going to try to keep dishing out one shots to you guys, but in the meantime i'll try to keep you updated. I really hope you guys understand

here's a meme to make up for the lack of one shots

here's a meme to make up for the lack of one shots

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alright. i guess i'm gonna try to sleep

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