An Apple a Day.. (Tae Takemi) - Alternate Ending

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An Apple a Day.. Pt. 3: Unless You Bite Into a Poison Apple (Alternate Ending)

As he grabbed her hand, she placed the roses down on the booth closest to them, turning to smile at him, "You're lucky I'm a forgiving woman."

He smiled widely, pulling her to him in a tight embrace, "I'm so sorry I hurt you.." She wrapped her arms around his neck, not bothering to respond as she held him close.

Sojiro's smirk turned to a smile as he finished his cigarette, tossing it in the nearest trash can and putting his hand on his hip, "My work here is done.. Time to go home to Futaba."

Akira looked out the window to give Sojiro a thumbs up, noticing he was gone from his spot. He must have gone home already. He pulled away from the hug, looking right into Takemi's brown eyes as he grew nervous for what he was about to say, "I know you don't do romance.. But I hope you're willing to give it a try.."

Takemi sighed as she placed her hand on his face, grinning sweetly as she gazed back at him lovingly, "Well, only a fool would say no to charming man such as you." She giggled as he let out a loud sigh of relief, his entire body relaxing.

"So then, Dr Takemi, would you please do me the favor of being my girlfriend?" They put their foreheads together, both smiling, "I promise if you give me the chance, I won't ever hurt you again."

She looked up at him with a seductive gaze, sending chills down his spine as they made eye contact, "I'll be more than your girlfriend." She whispered in a low voice, causing Akira's mind to immediately think back to his 'physical examination.' He gulped, wondering if he even had another condom on him.

"T-Takemi, I don't have-"

She giggled, "I'm just messing with you silly." She tapped her nose softly with her finger, both of them laughing as he removed his arms from around her waste to fix his hair. Takemi turned back to the booth with their drinks and curry, clapping her hands together in anticipation, "Well, I'm starving, shall we?"

Akira watched as she took a seat in front of her food, crossing her legs as she grabbed the coffee cup and took her first sip. He smiled sweetly as the breeze from outside blew her hair ever so slightly, making her look more angelic than ever. He truly loved the woman sitting before him, and wondered how he could have ever hurt her the way he did.

He sat across from her at the booth, grabbing his coffee cup and lifting it up, "To us."

She clinked her glass against his as she reached across the table with her spare hand and placed it on top of his, "To us."

The two took sips from their coffee, once done Akira grabbed Takemi's hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing it softly. I promise you, Tae, I won't let you down ever again.

- Fin -
Good Ending

I hope you guys liked this different approach I took to the one shots! You seemed really receptive to the multiple endings idea, so i hope you liked this ending! Be sure to check out the true ending as well!

Also, i've noticed you guys don't actually know my name, cause I only go by lonesomegeek and my profile doesn't have my  name lol. My name is Hillary, but you can continue to call me author or lonesomegeek if that's what you prefer. i also respond to Hills, so call me whatever you want!

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