The Pain of Unrequited Love (Ann Takamaki)

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so quick story time of when I had the idea of this one shot: I was chilling in my room on my bed with my man's photo on my bed, i was doing my psychology homework. i looked over at his photo and remembered about how there was a time he liked me and i didn't return the feeling, then my mind like went back to english class that day and I was remembering how we were talking about platonic and unrequited love; legit in my head i went "unrequited love huh.. not returned love.. unrequited- UNREQUITED LOVE" and i jumped out of bed and grabbed my laptop to write this one shot. now my psych homework is on the floor but idc i wanna write this before i forget lol

Bonus Art!!: I found this on google and i loved it so here you go!

Daily Question: Have you ever liked/loved someone who didn't return the feelings?

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Daily Question: Have you ever liked/loved someone who didn't return the feelings?


Akira pulled Ann closer to him, grinning as he looked down at her. She was fast asleep after a long day of Phantom Thieves work and modelling work. Even though she drank some coffee and ate, she was still extremely tired. With the amount of times she's fallen asleep on the train, the group didn't want her getting back on the train.

Akira adjusted himself as Ann buried her face in his chest, sighing softly in her sleep. He placed his chin on her head, sighing happily as he looked across the room to Morgana, who was trying not to stare.

His mind began to wander as he closed his eyes to also fall asleep, thinking of all the times he's had chances to tell Ann how he truly felt but never did. The last thing he wanted was for her to not love him back, he'd rather live in mystery than be rejected. His heart sank as he had this thought, wondering if he would truly be happy living in silence about his true emotions.

Ann's eyes slowly opened, confused for a second as to who was holding her and where she was. When she finally gathered herself, her face turned a bright red as she began to push Akira's chest, "Wha-What are you doing?!"

He rolled off his bed, hitting the floor with a loud thud as she sat up, looking around the room in confusion. "I.. Akira!" She wasn't sure whether to be angry or embarrassed, looking over at the Thieves leader who was sitting up rubbing his head.

He turned his head to her, frowning slightly, "Sorry Ann.."

"You better be!" She got out of bed, grabbing her bag off the floor and walking towards the stairs, "I'm going home-"

"Ann c'mon don't be like that-"

"Be like what? A little weirded out? I think I have every right to be!" She turned to look at Akira, who had gotten up and grabbed her wrist. "Why did you do that! You're not my boyfriend Akira!"

"Lady Ann, I told him not to." Morgana added in, smiling at her.

Ann glared at Morgana, "Put a sock in it."

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