A Tulip For Your Time Pt. 3 (Akira Kurusu x Fem Reader) FINALE

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A Tulip For Your Time Pt 3: But First, Who Really Are You? (FINALE)

Daily Question: Has someone ever lied to you about who they really are?

Quick Recap: After researching Kamoshida and discovering he coached the track team, it clicked in your head that Akira's best friend was most likely a victim of Kamoshida's abuse. Returning for your final tulip, you spot Akira chatting with Yusuke Kitagawa, a student at your high school whom you know is involved with Madarame. You notice both incidents now revolve around Akira, causing you to really begin to question who he really is. Akira decides to try to charm you with a rose, asking for your hand on a date.


Your heart fluttered with the words he spoke, however you held back your words as images of him talking to Kitagawa-Kun crossed your mind. Feeling determined to get some answers, you pointed the rose in his direction, "I can't date someone who I know nothing of."

He stared in confusion, then chuckled, "Oh, well I guess that's true."

You were itching to blurt it out, but you held back. As he reached out to grab your hand, you decided it was now or never, "Akira are you a Phantom Thief?"

"What?" He took a step back, quickly looking over at his supervisor to see if she had stolen a glance. "(Y/F/N) what are you on about?"

"I saw you talking to Kitagawa-Kun earlier.. I also did some research on the Kamoshida case at your school. Kamoshida used to be the coach for the track team, the team your best friend was on." You shoved the rose into his chest, causing him to stumble a bit as you pointed at him and furrowed your brows.

"I'm not stupid Akira.. Both these cases revolve around you and that can't be a coincidence." You crossed your arms over your chest, staring him down as he stared at you shocked.

"You really think I'm a Phantom Thief? I work at a flower shop!" He responded, clearly feeling insulted. But that didn't stop you, you had a feeling in your gut and your gut feelings were never wrong.

You quickly rushed for his Shujin bag, snatching it and rushing off with it. "Hey!" He called out, "Morgana c'mon!"

You rushed through the crowd, bumping into a few people. You looked behind you to see Akira rushing after you with his cat on his shoulder. You turned the corner, rushing up the stairs to the outside and rushing for the lottery ticket booth. Quickly rushing for the back, you pinned yourself against the wall and peeked over, seeing Akira emerge from the steps, looking around for you before rushing towards Central Street.

Catching your breath, you slowly slid down and sat on the floor, placing the bag and your flower next to you. Now then, let's see inside his bag to see if he's telling the truth.

You unzip the bag slowly, looking inside to see textbooks and a pencil case. "Oh.." Your shoulders drop, sighing as you moved the textbook over. Your eyes widened, quickly tossing the bag to the side in fear. Oh my god!

Your heart was racing, were your eyes playing tricks on you? You looked back in, sure enough seeing a gun and dagger in his bag with his phone over it. You reached in slowly to grab the phone, lifting it up and seeing there were already notifications on it. Is there a password?

You swiped up to unlock it, seeing he had not put a password on his phone. He had multiple messages on his phone, possibly from his best friend. You opened the app and saw a group chat was what was causing all of the notifications. It had a girl, and two boys. As you opened it, you immediately saw Kitagawa-Kun's face. "Bingo.."

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