Wild Hearts Pt. 1 (Yusuke Kitagawa & Goro Akechi)

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heads up: this is going to be very dramatic! lots of yelling and crying. also that song is sort of like.. Yusuke's point of view? idk lol

Daily Question: Have you ever been caught in a love triangle? If so pls do tell

Wild Hearts Pt.1: Please, Tell Me a Lie


"I see.." Yusuke sighed, his chin in his palm as he listed to Akechi tell him and Akira all about his latest news appearance. The three were all at Leblanc, sitting drinking some coffee on a rainy Thursday evening. Akechi was here to see his boyfriend, meanwhile Yusuke had dropped in to surprise his friend.

Akechi smiled softly at Yusuke, "You don't seem intrigued by my story, am I boring you, Kitagawa?"

Yusuke shook his head, "No, not at all. I'm merely tired." He grinned, taking a sip of his coffee and slightly burning the roof of his mouth. Leaning closer to Akira, Akechi smiled a bit wider, then looked at his watch, his eyes growing wide.

"Oh my, it's already time for me to head out. It feels like I just arrived." He slid out of the booth, grabbing his suitcase from the floor as Akira stood as well. "We're still on for tomorrow, yes?" Akira nodded with a smile, the two sharing a kiss before Akechi turned to Yusuke.

"Farewell." Yusuke smiled, waving at Akechi who bowed his head then walked through the door.

Finally, Yusuke thought, He talks way too much..

"You two should play nice." Akira chuckled, looking at Yusuke. He sat across the booth from his friend, who looked much more relaxed now that his boyfriend was no longer.

It's no secret that the three of them seem to be in a bit of a love triangle, the only one who doesn't seem to be aware, ironically, is the ace detective himself; or maybe he does and is very good at hiding his frustration. Now the love triangle goes a little something like this:

Akechi and Akira have been together for 5 months starting tomorrow

Akechi and Yusuke are not very fond of one another but are friendly. Akechi seems suspicious of Yusuke, but has said nothing to either him or Akira

Yusuke is in love with Akira, Akira is not clear on his feelings towards him

This love triangle started not too long after Akira chose Akechi over Yusuke, despite the two seeing one another for a little before he ran off with the ace detective.

"You are dating the most boring man, he has no taste." Yusuke spat, staring down at his cup of coffee with slight scowl.

Akira reached across the table and placed his hand atop of Yusuke's, "You're doing it again." He smiled sweetly, Yusuke returning the gesture, grabbing his hand.

Almost immediately, Akira slipped his hand out of Yusuke's grip and pulled his phone out of his pocket, a feeling of embarrassment washing over Yusuke almost immediately. He felt his stomach turn into a knot, then cleared his throat. "So, what are you two doing tomorrow?"

"Just grabbing lunch and doing some shopping." Akira responded, opening all his unread messages from the day. "I got him a present since tomorrow we celebrate 5 months, want to see?"

Yusuke nodded hesitantly, watching Akira rush off upstairs to his room, then coming back downstairs with a relatively small box. He placed it in front of Yusuke, standing in anticipation with a large smile on his face.

Yusuke opened the box, seeing what looks to be an extremely expensive watch inside with an A on the inside. "What.." Yusuke was in shock, where did he even get the money for this?! "How could you afford this!"

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