incoming idea: 3 part "one" shots

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hey guys!! it's me again haha. how are you all feeling today, i hope good! :) (I am writing this at 3 am)

I don't want to constantly write these author notes since you guys might find these annoying but I want to inform you guys of something

i'm turning some of these one shots into 3 parters! they will all be published here with "Pt 2, Pt 3" at the end of their titles and of course the name of the character. two of the ones I have chose to continue are:

The Adventures of Dating an Ace Detective (Akechi)

The Adventures of Dating an Ace Detective (Akechi)

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That Time we Fell in Love by Accident (Ryuji)

The part 2 of TADAD (the adventures of dating an ace detective) will be posted later today actually, so look forward to that! If there are other one shots you guys would like to see continuations of, you can lmk by DMing me or commenting! I person...

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The part 2 of TADAD (the adventures of dating an ace detective) will be posted later today actually, so look forward to that! If there are other one shots you guys would like to see continuations of, you can lmk by DMing me or commenting! I personally really like when authors continue one shots into their own little stories with plots so I figured i'd try it out with just 3 parters. they will all stay within 2K words (or try to) like they normally do, just be expanding the universe they are in just a little bit :)

I will also start posting bonus art in select uploads! I have a reddit and people post their art on the P5 reddit all the time so I decided everytime I see one I really like i'll ask permission to see if I can post it here for you guys to see as well and discover new artists.

Currently in the works other than these series are:

Haru Okumura (being written)
Ryuji x Reader (brainstorming, to be published in september) <- this is because I noticed most of my readers are Ryuji fans like me! do we like this idea? (it will be trashed if the answer is no)
Kawakami (brainstorming/waiting for inspo)
Mishima (Finished - to be published during a time in school where i have no time to write)
Yusuke (being written)

that's all i'm gonna tell :) gotta keep you somewhat guessing right lol

well that's all I would like to update you guys on! i'm excited to see where this is going to go, I hope you're all looking forward to these 3 parters, I am already writing part 3 for akechi and part 2 for ryuji! now I seriously gotta go, my dog is cuddling up next to me which means bedtime lol. and most importantly, remember to take your time

Persona 5 One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now