King Of Hell - One:

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Amora's P.O.V:


I lay the flowers down onto the grave, just in front of the head stone. Sighing, I kneel down in front of my Father's grave. I smile as I trace over his name; Lincoln Beckett . He died too young, barely forty-five years old. Today marks the first anniversary of his passing. My Mother didn't want to come down; too hard for her or so she says. I still came, though, just like I do every Sunday and will continue to do. Sighing again, I let my shoulders sag.

"Oh, Dad; what do I do about Mum? It's not the same without you. She's still dating Ron. However, you and I both know that it's his bank balance that she really loves."

I scoff and lower my head, my eyes falling onto my twiddling fingers. With a frown between my eyebrows, I speak again.

"The police are still looking for the Demon that killed you. Detective Ricks seems optimistic...scared is what it is."

I crack a small amused grin, my left hand subconsciously picking at the grass, trying to tear it away from it's roots...just like I have been. Sigh.

"Work's going great. I made a new drink flavour as a test and it sold out within the hour! It's a permanent menu item now. Mum's still living off of Ron, whose working hard to provide. I guess he's not bad...but he's not you, Dad."

He'll never be you...


I sit on my bed, my ankles crossed as I scroll through Tumblr on my phone. I like some posts about the new Joker movie coming out before the television catches my attention.

"Demon King, Harry Styles
Publicly Executes Member
Of His Army And Throws
His Body Across The Border
To The Wolf Clan."

My eyes widen when they show a picture of the man, his body severely mutilated almost beyond recognition. However, I can't tear my eyes away.

"The Unnamed Man Had
Double Crossed The King,
Resulting In His Gruesome

They soon show a picture of the Demon King himself; Harry Styles. My stomach does that weird thing again, the thing that causes it to triple back flip whenever I see his face. Soon, the news go on to inform us of our army and that's when I lose interest, going back to my phone with a certain Demon King on my mind.


Total Eclipse Of The Heart blasted through my earbuds as I made my way home after working the late night shift at the diner. The sky was already black and it was freezing! I continued walking, nobody crossing my path. I don't blame them; who is going to be wondering around at one a.m.? I turn the corner, walking into the woods that cut off about twenty minutes of walking time.

The song had now changed to Heaven and I maintained my pace while walking through the tree filled forest. I could just about see the ending where I would exit from. Suddenly, my music stops and I frown, pulling my phone out to see that the battery had died. Great.

"A little late for a stroll isn't it?"

I soon around, my heart stopping when I see who is in front of me. Brown slightly wavy hair; bright green eyes; porcelain complexion; expensive clothing...this is the Demon King Harry Styles himself.

"I just finished work. Believe me, I wouldn't be out here if I didn't have a choice."

I say quietly and he just looks at me, admiring me almost.

I say quietly and he just looks at me, admiring me almost

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"You've got quite the mouth on ya, love. Ya know who I am, don't ya?"

He questions and I fight back the urge to scoff, swallowing it down.

"Only a person living under a rock wouldn't know who you are."

He smirks at my answer, my stomach doing that thing again. Triple back flip. His face quickly loses it's smirk and he looks worried almost.

"Don't take anymore late shifts. Ya never know who's lurking out 'ere, and ya quite the dish, love."

I frown at his words and a blink later, he's gone.

I just met Harry Styles...and lived!


"Another Murder Committed
By King Harry Styles! This
Murder Took Place In The
Early Hours Of This
Morning At Approximately
One Thirty A.M."

A gasp leaves my mouth as I listen to the news reporter, my toothbrush cluttering to the floor of my bedroom as my eyes stayed glued to the television screen.

"The Man Was A Well Known
Rapist In The Area,
Targeting Young Women Who
Take The Newham Woods

The Newham Woods route? That's the route I took when I saw Harry... Did he save me from that guy? What would have happened if Harry hadn't seen me? My attention is turned back to the screen.

"A Note Was Found With His
Body. Written Was A Simple
Sentence; 'Nobody Is Going To
Hurt What's Mine'. Police Are
Stumped As To What This
Could Mean And King Harry
Styles Is Yet To Make An

I frown, everything becoming too much for me to take in. I slowly sink down to my bed and try to take in the fact that Demon King Harry Styles killed a rapist that could have been following a women that he's never met. One question plays around in my head.



Thank You All For Reading & Voting! The Image Used In This Chapter Belongs To @HARRYSFLESH . The user can be found on Instagram.

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- SI444.

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