King Of Hell - Seventeen:

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Amora's P.O.V:


Time really does seem to fly by when you are really concentrating on something

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Time really does seem to fly by when you are really concentrating on something. I had been at Harry's bedside for two days. I had given some blood yesterday, so that it could be connected to an IV for Harry.

Niall, Liam and Zayn had been bringing me food and clothing for the past two days. Louis was working hard, taking on Harry and I's work until he is back in commission.

Gemma has been wavering in and out, juggling between Harry and Leerey. The entire country is on edge, worried for Harry. I haven't seen my Mother. I don't want to either because once Harry is up and well, I will be officially disowning her.

She was never a Mother to me growing up. My Father was the only loveable parent I knew. Now he's gone, I don't have to pretend anymore; plus, Harry is my family now.

Nurses check in every thirty minutes, making sure that their King and Queen are okay. Harry's head injury is the main reason why he's been out for so long. The doctors are positive that once the swealing decreases, he'll wake up with no problem.

We just have to be patient and wait.


Another two days pass by when we finally got some good news. I was sitting by Harry's bedside as usual when the door opens and two doctors, along with four nurses enter the room.

I frown and grip Harry's hand tighter as they surrounded the room. Dr Blue smiles at me.

"We have amazing news, My Queen. We can finally remove King Harry from the ventilator today."

He says, his eyes hopeful. I breathe a huge sigh of relief and smile down at Harry.

"You hear that, H? We're getting you back."

I say as the doctors bark orders to the nurses, who rush around the room like headless chickens.

I need to tell Gemma and the others.


Gemma, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis and I all stood around Harry's hospital bed as one doctor and two nurses worked to remove Harry from the ventilator.

The hope is that he'll start breathing on his own and wake up by this time tomorrow.

The long tube is soon removed from his mouth and one nurse leaves the room as we wait with bated breath.

Everyone in the room breathes a sigh of relief when Harry starts to breathe on his own, no help whatsoever.

A huge smile, along with watery eyes grace my face and I pray that he wakes up by tomorrow. I chuckle at the irony.

Praying to God for a Demon... Oh, the irony...


I smile at Nurse Carter at the entrance desk as I make my way to Harry's room. Turning the corner, I reach his door and grasp the handle, pulling it down and pushing the door open.

I close the door behind me before turning around; when I do, a huge gasp leaves my mouth and my hands fly up when I see Harry sitting up in bed, sipping the blood I had donated.



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Shout-Out To hahaimcraycray & millisie For Commenting! Thank You!

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- SI444.

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