King Of Hell - Eight:

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Amora's P.O.V:


I know that I should be unpacking, but that seemed to be a waste of time at the moment. I wanted to find Harry and ask him if there is any jobs that I could do in the house or elsewhere; considering I lost my last job and kinda need money to survive.

I nearly gave up after countless minutes of searching when I found him. He was standing in the middle of the entrance, speaking with Niall and another man. This one had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He had this sort of calm aura about him.

I slowly made my way over to them, cautious not to interrupt what seemed to be an important conversation. However, before I could reach them, Harry turns in my direction, smiling. I mentally face palm myself. I keep forgetting that Harry can sense when I'm near because of the soulmate bond.

"Amora, hello. Amora, this is Liam, my Lucifer."

Harry introduces us and I smile, shaking his hand. Of course! A Lucifer is very prideful; they are proud of everything! Especially their flaws. That explains why I felt a calm nature coming from him.

"Is everythin' okay?"

I turn back to Harry and nod, not knowing how to ask him for a job in front of Niall and Liam. Thankfully, Harry excuses us, gently leading me over to a secluded section of the house, not to far from the two men.

"I need a job!"

I blurt out, widening my eyes at how rude that sounded. My face heats up in embarrassment, but before I could apologize, Harry takes me by the sides of my arms, stopping my panicked expression. I take a breath and look at Harry, his eyes swimming with amusement.

"Amora, ya do realize tha' ya gonna be Queen one day and before then, ya have duties ta undertake, fully paid, of course?"

He questions me and I frown, completely forgetting that Harry is the Demon King and I'll soon be the Queen. I nod slowly and Harry let's go of me, the familiar tingling sensation disappearing with his touch.

"What kind of duties and when can I start?"

I throw questions at him and he smiles at me, dimples on show and everything. He takes my hand, lacing our fingers together, emitting the sparks and leads us back over to Niall and Liam.

"Lads, we'll continue this later on. Right now, I have another commitment tha' needs my attention."

The two men nod quickly in understanding and walk off down the corridor, leaving just Harry, myself and a cleaner lady. Harry leads us off again and I happily follow.


I like keeping busy; it makes me feel useful. If I am going to have this type of lifestyle now, I need to work for it, anyway I can. Harry was seated besides me on his desk while I worked on mine.

 Harry was seated besides me on his desk while I worked on mine

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"What kind of duties do you do?"

I ask Harry, after seeing him going through file after file, it made me wonder what kind of power he has. I mean, he technically is the government now, after the Demon's rose to power a few years ago. Harry looks up from his mountain of paperwork and makes eye contact with me.

"I am in charge of the payments for residents, I make sure tha' the army is where they need to be, I look after the welfare of the orphans in the area, I take care of threats, I punish those tha' need to be punished and I converse with other supernatural species to make sure tha' they know the rules and boundaries."

By the time he finishes, my jaw has practically hit the desk and my eyes are so wide that I was afraid that they'd fall out of my head. Harry chuckles at my reaction and goes back to working, picking up his pen.

"Howeva', now tha' we have you, my workload will be cut in half to allow you some power too."

He says, not looking up from his desk. I nod, feeling all warm inside knowing that he trusts me with running half of his empire without question. I smile, nodding my head as I continue with my own work. Harry had told me that my new duties include; working out the payments for the residents, looking after the orphanage and making sure everything is running well within the house.

I can't wait till tomorrow, when Harry introduces me to the public as his soulmate and their future Queen...


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Shout-Out To niallsxbby & millisie For Commenting! Thank You!

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- SI444.

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