King Of Hell - 24:

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Amora's P.O.V:


I lay the fresh flowers upon the grave after disposing of the dead ones

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I lay the fresh flowers upon the grave after disposing of the dead ones. I take my usual spot on the ground. Tonight is a big night for Harry; it is the anniversary of the day that he became King. A huge ball is being organised for tonight in celebration of it. As Queen, I will be by Harry's side throughout of course. He was back at the house, getting a suit fitting. I already have my dress, so I decided to visit Dad, given that I missed last week.

"Mum's not in my life anymore, Dad. I did try, just like you wanted, but I couldn't; I'd just be living a lie. She doesn't care; she never did. I met my Brother recently; he's amazing. If anything good came out of Mum sleeping around, it's Ozworld and I."

I sigh, wishing deeply that the conversations we have weren't one sided. But, at least I get to visit his final resting place and vent without judgement; not that my Dad ever judge me anyway. Being so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't feel the person sitting next to me. Turning my head slightly, I saw Ozworld. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"I was visiting my Mother when I saw you. Your Father, isn't it?"

He asks and I nod. I had no idea that his Mother is buried here. How come we never crossed paths? Maybe we have, but were both just so caught up with why we were in a cemetery in the first place to pay any attention to one another. Ozworld and I enjoyed the quiet and each others company. We had moved to a bench at one point.

I took a minute to admire my Brother, taking in his every detail. He has brown hair like me (our Mother), blue eyes like me (our Mother), he had dimples like his Father and I had freckles like mine. It's funny that the one parent we share is the parent that we both disowned.

Irony at its finest...


"Fate has a morbid sense of humour

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"Fate has a morbid sense of humour."

I say while looping my earring through my earlobe. Harry adjusts the King crown on his head and gives me a weird look, one that I recognize as confusion. I quickly explain, smoothing out my dress.

"Well, think about it; your soulmate is human, her Brother is a Werewolf, your Sister is a Demon and your Brother-in-law is a Vampire. This is more messed up than the Fifty Shades fetishism."

I scoff and Harry chuckles and stands, both of us now ready.

I scoff and Harry chuckles and stands, both of us now ready

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"God, how lucky am I?"

He moans, his jaw to the floor as he comes over to me, grabs me in his arms and passionately kisses me. The wind is knocked out of me as Harry dips me, keeping me protected in his arms. We are, unfortunately, interrupted by a knock at the bedroom door.

It's time.


I applaud along with everyone else in the ballroom, watching proudly as Harry finishes his speech and steps down, the cheers dying down. He shakes hands with Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn on his way back to me. I smile at him when he reaches me and happily accept his kiss.

"That was a beautiful speech."

I say to him, watching as The Demon King shrugs shyly, a side of him that is just reserved for me. I pull him into a hug, whispering in his ear how proud I am of him. He sends me a smile when we pull away and I smile back.

Gemma soon joins our company and politely asks if she can steal my soulmates company. I quickly nod and shoo them away, Gemma laughing and Harry resisting. I giggle lowly as I watch them go, letting out a content sigh straight after.

"I never thought I'd see that again."

I turn to see Louis standing behind me, watching Harry, Gemma, Leerey and Ozworld converse. I frown and fully turn to him, partially blocking his view of Harry.

"What're you talking about, Lou?"

I ask him, more confused than ever. Louis smiles at me and points to Harry, making me turn my head to see Harry laugh at something Ozworld had said.

"The last time Harry ever looked that comfortable was in his Mother's arms as a newborn. Whatever you're doing, Amora, I deeply thank you for it."

He says and kisses my cheek lightly before leaving to mingle, leaving me gobsmacked. My heart aches for Harry.

He'll never have to be uncomfortable and alone again; that, I can promise.


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Shout-Out To millisie & hahaimcraycray For Commenting! Thank You!

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