King Of Hell - Eighteen:

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Amora's P.O.V:


A sob escapes my mouth and I throw myself at Harry, desperate to have him in my arms. He chuckles lightly, but hugs me back just as tightly. He's here; he's conscious; he's okay; he's alive. When I finally pull away from his embrace, I check him over, making sure that he really is okay. He quickly takes my hands and forces me to look into his beautiful green eyes.

"I'm fine, I promise."

He says and I'm reassured by his calmness and lack of hurt. He cracks a small smile and I finally nod, happy with his answer. Suddenly, his face turns serious and just like that, I'm back to concerned.

"I 'eard everythin'. When I was out, I 'eard everythin'. Ya never left my side, did ya? Even when Gem, Niall an' Liam tried to make ya."

I blush hard and kiss him, immediately feeling the dearly missed sparks, causing me to smile. My Harry is back.


I watch on with a smile as Harry danced with Gemma. Harry wanted to have a ball and invite the entire Empire to reassure them that he is alive and well.

I kept giving side way glances to my Mum and Ron that were sitting across the room. I don't know why Harry invited them. Hasn't he noticed that we've been on tender hooks the whole night and haven't spoke once?

"'ello, Love."

Harry kisses my neck and I smile, turning to face him as he sits down beside me and picks up his glass of Whiskey and takes a gulp.

"'ave I told ya how beautiful ya look tonigh'?"

I blush under his sexy smirk and nod, leaning towards him.

"Once or twice."

I shrug nonchalantly and he chuckles and connects our lips. Oooh, sparks.

Suddenly, the windows in the ballroom are smashed open, a bunch of Werewolves jumping inside. I gasp and Harry and I shoot up, Harry's grip tightening on me.

"Louis! Zayn! Liam! Niall!"

Harry barks and they are all at our side in a second. Someone who I recognize as the Werewolf Prince steps in front of our view.

" nice to see you again... hello, beautiful."

His wink makes me uncomfortable and I seek comfort behind Harry, who glares warningly at him.

"This time, you die."

Harry spits before lunging at him. The Werewolf Prince wasn't quick enough and Harry pins him to the ground while the boys tackle the other Werewolf members.

Someone grabs me from behind, covering my mouth with their gloved hand. Breathing in, a horrible smell invades my nostrils and travels to my lungs and up to my head, causing me to feel woozy. Before I knew it, I was passed out, the world turning black.


Harry's P.O.V:


I drop the last Werewolf member to the ground, catching a glimpse of the Prince jumping through the window before he disappears from the scene. Sighing, I wipe away the blood from the corner of my mouth and turn around, looking for Amora. I frown when I don't see her in the crowd.

"Guys!! Where's Amora!?!"

I question them and they begin searching for her too as the guests begin leaving, going home. I soon grow frustrated and worried when I don't find Amora once the entire room had been cleared. The lads soon make their way back to me, worry etched onto their features.

"H, her scent is masked by chlorine. She's not in the house."

Liam tells me and my inner Demon sees red while the human side of me longs for his mate. I take a deep breath, trying to clear the fog of conflict in my mind and I turn back to the guys.

"Send our best out. Find her."

I tell them before storming out of the ballroom.

I need to find Amora... before I go insane!


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Shout-Out To millisie For Commenting. Thank You.

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- SI444.

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