King Of Hell - 22:

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Amora's P.O.V:


Long eyelashes, sharp jawline, tanned skin, muscular build, beautiful green eyes, ink that tells it's own story, and a heart so kind and so generous that it needs to be heavily guarded. That's Harry.

Last night was the most perfect night of my entire life. Not only did Harry and I become extremely intimate, but we declared our love for each other. I still haven't come down from whatever cloud I was on.

However, I knew that I needed to come back down to reality because of my f*cked up family. I need answers from my Mother. She has to own up to what she has done, and if she doesn't, I am cutting her completely out of my life. She won't be invited to my wedding or know her Grandchildren.

"Stop thinkin' so hard, Kitten."

Harry's raspy voice fills my ears, causing me to jump slightly, startled by his abrupt awakening. I face Harry, giving him a genuine smile. He smiles back and leans up to kiss me lovingly on my lips. I respond immediately, smiling into the kiss, leaving no distance between us. I pull away from the kiss with a smile on my face.

"I was thinking about my Mum, if you can name her as such. She's been cruel to me since I gained the ability to understand right from wrong."

I tell Harry, my thoughts flowing out of my mouth as he listens intently, his brows pulled down and his eyes fixed. I sigh and flop back onto my pillow, frustrated with my birth giver. I feel the bed move as Harry shifted. He leans over me, his face bringing the calm out of me.

"Listen; whatever happens 'tween ya an' ya Mother, I'm always 'ere. We'll get through it together."

He reassures me, gently moving my hair away from my face before leaning down and sealing his promise with a kiss. I smile and kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pushes our bodies together.


"Of course I cheated on your Father; he was a boring, unadventurous man; At least with Donny, I got some action."

My Mother states, grinning widely. I give her a look of disgust, feeling repulsive that this poor excuse for a woman is my birth giver. Still, I still needed answers, and I am determined to get them. I sigh, not liking the way she spoke of my late Father.

"And, Ozworld?"

I question her, crossing my arms across my chest, protectiveness fanning over me for my Brother. He doesn't deserve this woman for a one does. She rolls her eyes at the mention of her Son.


Is all she says. My Brother was a mistake? Was I one, too? Deciding that I've heard enough, I stand up, gesturing for a guard to remove this woman from my house. She looks gobsmacked that she is being manhandled out of the property. A few curse words are thrown at me before she is out of sight, but not out of mind. I need to speak with Ozworld.


"Thank you for coming at such short notice."

I tell Ozworld, shooting him an apologetic look.

"It's completely fine."

He says and I nod, trying to figure out how to approach this subject.

"Ozworld, I don't know if you have any questions about our Mother, but if you do, I'll do my best to answer them for you."

I tell him and he nods slowly, obviously thinking about what he wants to ask.

"Are you and I her only children?"

He finally asks after a good full minute of silence. I sigh.

"Honestly? I don't know."

I say and he nods, looking like he expected my answer.

"Growing up with her; what was it like?"

His question throws me off and I almost want to shield him from the truth, but I know better.

"My Dad kept me going. He didn't know half of the abuse. She was cold and harsh and cruel."

I tell him, my eyes filling up with tears that couldn't hold themselves back from dripping down my face. Ozworld immediately comes to my side, wrapping me in his arms as I sob.


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Shout-Out To hahaimcraycray & millisie For Making A Comment. Thank You.

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- SI444.

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