King Of Hell - Four:

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Amora's P.O.V:


"Ask me what eva you want."

He says, inching closer and closer to me with every word. I know what I want to ask him, I've known since the first time I saw him in the flesh. So, I just come out with it.

"Why do you keep saving me?"

My voice is quite, but I knew that he heard me. A Demon's hearing is supersonic; they can hear someone breathing from up to a mile away. Harry sighs, obviously expecting my question. He closes his eyes briefly before opening them again.

"I saw you walking in da woods tha' night. It wasn't till I caught a whiff of ya scent tha' I knew you are my soulmate."

He talks slowly, his accent producing some words differently. I frown, not quite understanding what he means.

"What do you mean by smelling me?"

I ask him.

"A Demon can smell their soulmate as soon as she enters his perimeter. She smells like his favourite thing. For example, you smell like peppermint and strawberries. That's when I knew tha' you are my soulmate."

He explains and I nod slowly, trying to obsorb this new information. What do you say when the Demon King tells you that you're his soulmate? I always felt a common ground between Harry and me. I just wasn't sure what it was... until now.

"What does this mean for me?"

I ask him and he inches even closer to me and sits on the far end of the bed, giving me enough space to feel comfortable. 

"Well, traditionally, it means that you and I are destined to be together. We are meant to run the Kingdom together, get married and have kids."

My eyes widen at the last part, my heart racing as I keep my eyes down, avoiding all eye contact with him. What do you say to a Demon that just told you that you are to be with him forever? I know enough to know that when you are destined to a supernatural being, that's to be your life until you either die or get turned into said being. Finally, I sigh, lifting my head up to see Harry already staring at me, an undetectable emotion in his eyes.

 Finally, I sigh, lifting my head up to see Harry already staring at me, an undetectable emotion in his eyes

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"Do I have to stay here?"

I ask him.

"No. You can stay whereva ya want to. But, if ya do decide ta stay, you'd have ya own room. Whicheva room ya want, decorated howeva ya want."

He tells me and I nod, happy that I still have my own free will. On one hand, staying at home is torture since Dad died. On the other hand, I would be staying with a killer who is feared by many. I don't know what to do.

"Can I think about it?"

I ask him and he nods immediately, relieving me. I'll stay at home while I come to a decision.


"Are you kidding me?! I get attacked in your store and I'm fired?!"

I angrily glare at my boss, not believing my ears.

"You left the store wide open last night. I could've been robbed!"

She exclaims and I scoff.

"And I could be dead! You know what? Stick you job!"

I throw my apron at her and storm out of the diner, slamming the door shut. I make it up the street when Harry appears right in front of me, scaring me half to death.

"I would say 'God' , but that'll be a little too dramatic."

I say and Harry chuckles. My heart leaps out of my chest at the sound and I nearly fall to the ground at the sight of the two dimples embedded into his cheeks.

 My heart leaps out of my chest at the sound and I nearly fall to the ground at the sight of the two dimples embedded into his cheeks

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Suddenly, his face turns serious and my face loses it's playfulness too.

"I felt ya anger. I assumed you were in distress."

He says and I sigh, having to get used to the fact that Harry and I are going to be connected forever. I start walking again, Harry hot on my heels.

"I got fired. Apparently, almost being killed isn't a good enough excuse for leaving the diner unlocked."

I scoff and from the corner of my eye, I can see Harry's expression turn dark and angry. I frown, but don't say anything, instead, I just keep on walking, Harry right beside me.

"Do ya want ta come back to the house? We could 'ave dinner if ya want to."

Harry asks and I find myself nodding.


I say and Harry turns to me, smiling a surprised smile and I find myself smiling back.

Is it possible that everything I have been told about Harry is a lie? What if he isn't a cold killer, but a misjudged kind man?


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First Photo Belongs To @HARRYSFLESH . The User Can Be Found On Instagram.

Second Photo Belongs To @HRRYSTYLESV . The User Can Be Found On Instagram.

Shout-Out To millisie & Lily_9_2004 For Commenting! Thank You!

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- SI444.

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