King Of Hell - 21:

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Amora's P.O.V:


"Why are you here? I thought you hated me?"

I say, looking at Brother sitting opposite me on an arm chair. He sighs and shakes his head, looking just as messed up as me when I first received the news that I have a Brother. However, he's known for years now, these kinds of feelings shouldn't be felt or showing now.

"My Mother committed suicide when she found out that our Father had cheated on her and Fathered another child."

I felt like someone had put on a boxing glove and punched me in the stomach with it. I had no idea! Of course, he would resent me; I am part of the reason why his Mother had killed herself. My Mother is certainly not who I thought she was. She is a monster! Who knows how many siblings I have out there!?

"I'm so sorry about your Mother. I don't blame you for your actions; I understand them now."

I tell him, my face holding nothing, but sincerity. He finally looks me in the eye and I send him a small, reassuring smile. He nods and I understand the gesture, nodding back to him. Common ground.


The rest of the day past by as a blur, not slowing down for nothing. I got to know my Brother, who I now know as Ozworld. We spoke about the completely different childhoods we had and I told him more about our Mother.

I stand on the door step with Harry, waving goodbye to Ozworld as he gets driven away in a car by his Footman. When the car is out of sight, I take Harry's hand and take us inside. When we get to our office, I start speaking.

"Thank you, H. I know that must have been difficult for you; having a Wolf in Demon territory, so thank you."

He looks at me with what I would describe as adoration. He then smiles at me, a full toothy and dimpled grin. He pulls me onto his lap and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

Although, something felt different this time. I felt, for the first time ever, the need for more. I wanted Harry; all of him. Pulling back, I firmly take his face in my hands, forcing him to look and listen to me.

"I want to be intimate with you."

Harry's jaw drops slightly at my words and I grin, taking his reaction as a 'yes' and take his hand. I lead him back out of our office and up to my bedroom. When we are inside, I lock the door and draw the curtains.

I immediately return to Harry, pulling him into a sloppy kiss, one filled with lust, need and want. He responds just as lustfully. We somehow make our way to the bed, falling in a heap onto the mattress. Before I could pull his t-shirt over his head, he pulls away, his lips red, his face flushed, his hair disheveled and his eyes dilated.

"Are ya sure 'bout this, Amora? Because, it can't be taken back once we've...intimized."

I understand his worry, but I'm not worried in the slightest. I have given this the right amount of thought and I'm sure; I want to be connected to Harry on every level, in every way; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

"I've never been as sure about anything as much as I am about this."

He allows me to pulls his t-shirt over his head. I drop it to the floor somewhere and connect our lips again. Harry's soft and wet lips kiss the corner of my mouth, down to my chin, in the groove of my neck, down my chest and back up again.

"Can I take this off?"

He asks, tugging on the hem of my shirt. I nod and he smiles, pulling my shirt over my head, not bothering with the buttons at all. When my shirt is gone, my black bra is visible to Harry for the first time. His eyes are hooded as he stares.


He mumbles, kissing the cups of my bra. My heart sweals at his gesture and my lower region aches at his movement. He continues kissing my bra covered breasts before showing mercy on me and unclasping my bra from the front. His feather like fingers help in removing the black undergarment.

When he does look upon me again, my hardening breasts are bare to him and I notice his eyes darken. That's when he connects his mouth to my right nipple, sucking, nipping and tugging gently. He finally ends his torture and pulls away, but only to remove his slacks, giving me a nice view of his growing member through his boxers.

I work to remove my own leggings, Harry, being the gentleman he is, helps me. I grin when I realize that we are both just in our underwear. Harry seems to love his foreplay.


Harry and I remain naked, tangled up in the sheets of my bed. That was the most pleasurable and intimate thing I've ever experienced. Harry and I couldn't let eachother go, clinginess taken over us completely.

 Harry and I couldn't let eachother go, clinginess taken over us completely

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"I love this girl."

I smile at Harry's words, my heart leaping out of my chest when I realize that I, too, love Harry.

"I love you, too, H."

I say, my cheeks heating up and I thank God that Harry can't see my burning cheeks at that moment.

"Wha'? I thought tha', I didn't say it."

He responds and I frown, immediately turning to face him. When I see his face, he has a huge grin on his face, dimples and all.

"I completely forgot. After we mate for the first time, we are able to hear each others thoughts. This lasts for 'bout a week."

He explains, kissing my nose. I nod sleepily and turn back around, yawning as I fall asleep in Harry's arms, content and happy.


Hi, Guys! I'm Sorry That I Couldn't Write A Detailed Sexual Scene. I Just Didn't Feel That It Would Fit In Right With This Chapter.

Thank You All So Very Much For Reading, Voting & Commenting!

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Shout-Out To hahaimcraycray & millisie For Commenting! Thank You, Guys!

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- SI444.

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