King Of Hell - 27:

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Harry's P.O.V:


I run through the halls, Amora unconscious in my arms. I need to get her to Dr. Grace right now! I bark at every person in my way to move and they quickly separate. I get to Dr. Grace's room and kick the door open, surprising Dr. Grace and two other nurses. I lay Amora down on the bed as Dr. Grace jumps up to attend.

"She was screamin' from a pain in 'er head. Fix 'er!"

I demand, glaring at Dr. Grace. She spins around, barking orders at the two nurses who rush to and fro from the room, collecting medical supplies to help treat Amora. I watch for any mistakes, ready to do whatever I have to to make sure that Amora is okay.


Two Days Later:


I watch as the Witch casts her spell on Amora, determined to find out what is wrong with her because the medical professionals couldn't. She finally finishes and turns to me, an angry look on her face.

"She has been hexed."

She says and I growl lowly under my breath. The Witch backs away slowly and I force myself to calm down, so that I could figure out who I have to kill for hurting my girl like they did! I sigh, my eyes falling onto Amora's unconscious body, causing me to instantly feel calm.

"By who?"

I manage to mutter out and the Witch closes her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. She has a frown on her face, causing me to worry even more.

"By a fellow Demon. However, he wasn't the source; he was hired by a human. Someone that has a blood tie to Amora here. If I were you, I'd start looking at female relatives."

She advises before disappearing into a cloud of mist. My whole body shakes with anger as I come to the realisation of who did this to Amora.








Her Mother.


Amora's P.O.V:


The grass felt cold and wet under my bare feet, but I continued to glide through the green, loving the feeling. I smile when a little boy waddles through the grass towards me, being chased by Harry, who was pretending to be a monster while chasing after his young Son.

"Mama! Mama! Dada gonna get me!"

He squeals and I giggle and catch him in my arms and swing him around. With him in my arms, I turn back around. The smile is slapped off of my face when I see Harry stalking towards us, a big butcher knife in his hand.

I start to back away, tightening my arms around my Son.

"I want you to run, okay."

My Son nods and I set him on his feet and watch him run as fast as his little feet will take him. Before I could turn back to confront Harry, I felt a sharp pain through my stomach. Looking down, I find the butcher knife embedded into my abdomen, Harry on the end of it.


My eyes shoot open, my body full of sweat and my heart pounding against my ribcage. The room is empty and quiet. Where exactly am I? Confused and disorientated, I sit up from the bed, my head sore and throat dry.

"Harry! Harry!"

I crock out, distressed with not knowing where Harry is. The door flies open and Ozworld rushes in, looking relieved that I'm awake. He comes over to me and tries to settle me back down onto the mattress.


I whisper, upset and Ozworld sighs.

"Mum hired a Demon to place a hex on you. Harry went to get some answers from her. Amora; you've been out for two days."

He explains and my jaw drops open in shock as I process all of this new information. The only thing that kept picking at me was one question.

Harry wouldn't kill my Mum, would he?


Harry's P.O.V:


"It seems that she couldn't pay the hire, so he killed her."

I nod to Louis, shaking my head at the scene in front of me.

"How do I tell 'er? How do I tell Amora tha' 'er Mother was murdered by 'er Step Father, who is also the Demon tha' was hired by 'er Mother ta kill 'er?"

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"How do I tell 'er? How do I tell Amora tha' 'er Mother was murdered by 'er Step Father, who is also the Demon tha' was hired by 'er Mother ta kill 'er?"

I ask into the room. The boys look just as lost as I am.


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Image Credits: Google Images.

Shout-Out To hahaimcraycray & millisie For Commenting. Thank You.

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- SI444.

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