King Of Hell - Five:

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Amora's P.O.V:


We get to Harry's house and two guards escort us inside, much to my annoyance. Why does he need so many employees? The guards soon leave and I finally remove the frown from my face, my forehead aching slightly. Harry chuckles from beside me and I turn my head in his direction, looking quizzically at him.

"It's nice ta know tha' it's not just me tha' hates the chaperones."

I giggle at his choice of word for the guards and he smiles in my direction, coming to a stop at a set of double doors.

I giggle at his choice of word for the guards and he smiles in my direction, coming to a stop at a set of double doors

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He pushes them open and gestures me inside first. Shocked by his chivalrousness, I walk on past him to inside the room, which I now know is a kitchen. It's gorgeous!

There were people everywhere; middle aged women cooking, younger ones washing dishes and some mixed aged men taking plates of food out of the kitchen through a back door

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There were people everywhere; middle aged women cooking, younger ones washing dishes and some mixed aged men taking plates of food out of the kitchen through a back door. I hear the door shut behind me and then... silence. Every single person in the kitchen just stopped talking and raised or turned their heads to look at Harry.

"Good afternoon, everybody. Miss Beckett and I will be dining in the house this evening. I want something ready within the hour."

Almost immediately, everyone started rushing around, almost panicky. The sight made my eyes widen. Suddenly, I feel hands on my shoulders and I crane my neck to see Harry staring down at me.

"Let's go. I wanna show ya something."

I nod and let him take my hand and lead me from the kitchen to wherever his surprise is. We don't stop until we reach another door.

 We don't stop until we reach another door

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"I want ya to go into this room. There is a desk and chair inside. In the top draw of the desk is a folder. Inside tha' folder, everything belongs ta ya."

He says, turning to me and gesturing to the room behind him. I frown, but nod and Harry steps aside, sitting down on the chair just side of the door. I take a breath and enter the room. I find exactly what Harry had described. The door closes gently behind me and I make my way around the desk to the chair.

 The door closes gently behind me and I make my way around the desk to the chair

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Once seated, I pull open the draw Harry had said and find the folder. Pulling it out, I shut the draw. I set the folder atop the desk and open it.




I gasp when I turn the next page. Clipped inside is a picture of me and my parents. My Dad is cradling me in his arms and my Mum is reading to me while I stare at her, sucking my dummy. My eyes water when I see the next picture. Me and my Dad are standing next to a snowman we had built, our winter clothes on. Tears begin to leak down my face when I see the next picture; it's of my parents on their wedding day. I continue to look through pictures that I had no idea existed.


"It was extremely difficult ta find those photos. I 'ad requested them the first time I saw ya."

Harry tells me and I smile, forking another piece of steak into my mouth.

"I had no idea that these photos ever existed."

I say, looking down in awe at the folder of photos. Harry smiles at me and takes a bite of his own steak. We soon finish dinner and desert is placed before us. Chocolate fudge cake and custard. I catch a glimpse of the time and shrug while looking at Harry.

"Can I stay here tonight? It's too late to go home now."

I say, noting the late hour. Harry coughs, dropping his spoon in the process. My eyes widen as I place my hand on his back and pat to try and ease his discomfort. I fight the urge to gasp as an electric type feeling buzzes through my body.

"Of course ya can. I'm sorry, I was just surprised."

He says and I nod, shaking my hand to try and get the tingling to stop.

What the hell was that?!


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Shout-Out To millisie & Lily_9_2004 For Commenting!

Also, Thank You To EmilyShinault For The Kind DM!

Please, Read, Vote, Comment & Add!

- SI444.

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