King Of Hell - Ten:

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Amora's P.O.V:


Explosions rippled through the house walls, sending debris flying everywhere, as well as dust and smoke. My heart was pounding rapidly against my chest as panicked and frightened voices can be heard throughout the entire house. Harry quickly turns to me, his jaw clenched and his eyes ablaze.

"There is a safe room. Niall will take you there."

Before I could reply to Harry's words, Niall speaks up over the noise.

"The entrance is blocked off by an overturned boulder!"

He explains and Harry tenses up, turning to Niall.

"The bunker?"

He asks and Niall shakes his head.


He says and Harry sighs, turning back to me and taking me by the shoulders, staring me in the eyes.

"I'm gonna protect ya, but I'm needed at the front line. Stay close to me, okay?"

He asks and I nod immediately, my eyes widening as he grabs my hand and pulls me along with him, Niall following hot on our heels.

We are going through the wrecked house so fast that the bodies lying on the ground became blurs, not allowing me to see the full horror of the scene. We quickly arrived at the lobby; immediately, I see Liam and two other men standing in the front, surrounded by soilders. In front of them was the Werewolf Prince, his Beta and Omega. His Luna was nowhere to be seen. Harry pushes me behind him and makes his way to the front.

"Wha' is the meaning of this!?!"

Harry booms and I visibly flinch, squeezing my eyes closed and fisting the back of Harry's shirt.

"You have announced your girl to the Demon empire! We cannot allow the both of you to copulate! She must be destroyed!"

I hear Harry growl lowly and warningly from the back of his throat. Suddenly, his body goes extremely hot and his skin glows a bright red colour.


Harry's voice booms and that's when all hell broke loose... literally.


My head hurts, that's all I know. A few minutes into the attack, I was hit over the head from behind. The last thing I saw was Harry tearing the head off of the Werewolf Prince's Beta before everything went dark.

I finally managed to open my eyes. I now wish I didn't. Bodies laid sprawled all over the marble flooring, some ours and some theirs. My eyes scanned the area for Harry and I find him, Niall, Liam and two other men standing with him while they fight the Werewolf Prince and his Omega. Five Demon's against two Werewolves... this should be easy.

That's when a hand wraps itself around my mouth and lifts me heavily up from the ground. I see the Werewolf Prince smirk in my direction before he speaks.

"Surrender or my Luna will snap your girls neck."

He smugly says and Harry, Liam and Niall's heads all snap in my direction while the other two men glare hardly at the Werewolf Prince and his Omega.

"Release her!"

Harry demands and I feel the hands tighten around my neck, making me whimper out in pain. Within a micro second, Harry had the Werewolf Prince by the throat, three feet in the air, against the wall. I hear the Luna holding me hostage gasp when her mate gasps for breath.

That's when I saw Harry's face. His eyes were as black as the night, his face turned incredibly white and his whole demeanor turned cold and dark.

 His eyes were as black as the night, his face turned incredibly white and his whole demeanor turned cold and dark

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"Release her!"

He barks in a chilling demonic voice, one that shook the walls of the house. The Luna whimpers in terror and immediately releases me. I quickly step over to Niall and Harry watches my every move until I'm safety behind Niall before he drags the Werewolf Prince from the wall and throws him across the room. He hits the ground hard, knocking him unconscious as his mate and Omega rush over to him.

"Liam, show them out."

Harry says before storming out of the room, my heart rushing after him. I watch with bated breath as Liam and the other two men walk over to the trio. The Omega lifts up the Werewolf Prince and the Luna follows him out of the house, the three men leading the way. I turn to Niall and frown.

"That wasn't Harry. Who was it?"

Is all I ask and he sighs, turning to face me, his face not giving anything away.

"That was the other side of Harry; his Demon side."

My breath catches in my throat as I think over Niall's words.

We haven't seen nothing yet!


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Shout-Out To hahaimcraycray & millisie For Commenting! Thank You!

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- SI444.

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