King Of Hell - Twenty:

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Amora's P.O.V:


The tension in the dungeons could have been sliced through with a knife. No one said anything; I was looking at Harry, Harry was looking at The Werewolf King and The Werewolf King was looking at me. What a tense filled circle filled with anger, shock, disbelief and worry. I'm the one to speak first, breaking the ice.

"So, you and my Mother...?"

I trailed off, feeling to nauseous and bummed out to finish off my sentence and I pray that he understood what I'm asking and not just gives me a confused expression. He nods faintly and I grow disgusted; with both my Mother and the Werewolf King.

"Does he know?"

My next question is quiet, barely above a whisper, but I knew he had heard me. All supernatural creatures have way above average hearing; some call it Super Sonic.

"He's known since he was sixteen."

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I don't know what's worse; knowing that your Brother tried to kill you or that your Brother knew about you and didn't try to find you. Why am I only finding out about this family secret now?

"Then why the f*ck did he try an' kill his own Sister!?!"

Harry angrily spits, venom dripping from his tone as he inches closer and closer to the Werewolf King without him knowing it. However, the Werewolf King looks confused, like Harry had told him something that sounded ridiculous. He then shakes his head.

"I had no idea. He came after you?"

He questions me, his brows pulled down into a frown. I nod, afraid of sounding scared if I speak. The Werewolf King sighs, pinching the bottom of his forehead, head down and eyes closed. Then, as if someone had clicked their fingers in front of his face, he looks back up at me.

"I need to deal with my Son. Leave now with your mate."

He says, taking out a key and unlocking my cell door before disappearing from the dungeons. I immediately run over to Harry, who meets me in a hug. Oh, sparks, welcome back! I smile as I pull away. Harry quickly connects our lips, sending my mind into overdrive. He pulls away and connects our foreheads.

"Let's go home."

He says and I nod. Home sounds perfect.


Now refreshed, I had time to think about my long lost family member

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Now refreshed, I had time to think about my long lost family member. I thought about my so called Mother and how she cheated not just my Dad, but the Werewolf King, Prince and me, too, not to mention Ron. My head is starting to hurt with all of this.

"Hi; how're ya feelin'?"

Harry asks, walking into the room with a mug and a plate containing a sandwich in his hands. I smile at him, shrugging my shoulders as he sets the items down on my bedside table.

"Thank you, H."

I say and he nods. I take his hand and pull him down to my level for a kiss. He immediately responds, making me and I hope, him, happy. I pull away when there is a knock at the door. Harry gives the ok for the person or persons to come in. When the door opens, Zayn stands behind it.

"Hi, Guys. Amora; you have a visitor."

I frown at Zayn's words, but take Harry's hand and stand up, pulling him with me past Zayn. When we get to the front door, I see the one person that I'd never thought I'd see willingly.

The Werewolf Prince.

My Half Brother.


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Photos Belong To Google Images, @modemoodi & @rebellebeautyx . Users Can Be Found On Instagram.

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