King Of Hell - 38:

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Harry's P.O.V:


We reach the surprisingly quiet mansion and enter with caution. Ozworld suddenly makes a sniffing sound before letting out a low growl.

"He's here. Place stinks of his stench."

He spits, his face contorting into a look of disgust. I sigh and continue to walk slowly through the mansion, Ozworld right behind me.

"We need to get to The Safe Room; make sure tha' the girls are okay."

I tell him, my voice just above a whisper. He nods in agreement and we continue onwards, making our way to The Safe Room.

Turning the corner, I stop dead in my tracks, my whole body freezing, my face turning pale and dread filling my stomach.

The door to The Safe Room had been completely bent backwards, deep claw gashes embedded into the steel.

However, my instincts kick in when I hear the distressed cry of my infant Daughter. Rushing into The Safe Room, I see Gemma.

She is holding Meadow. I notice a wound on Gemma's head from where she lay on the ground. However, I don't see Amora.

"Gem, where's Amora?"

I question her and she looks me in the eye reluctantly and sighs, obviously not wanting to tell me. Finally, she speaks.

"The Werewolf King; he took 'er."


Amora's P.O.V:


I kick and thrash and scream, trying to get out of The Werewolf King's grip as he dragged me to the dungeons of his home.

He finally drops me on my arse inside one of the cells. The door is slammed shut and quickly locked. I stand up and glare at him.

"You touch me again and my Husband will kill you."

I warn him and he smirks, angering me even more. I actually can't believe that someone as kind and innocent as Ozworld could come from someone like him.

"Oh, I won't touch you. In fact, I won't touch you at all. I'll just happily watch my Son do all of the heavy lifting; as soon as Babayaga gets here of course."

He grins evily and stalks away, leaving me to my thoughts.

This was his plan all along; to trap me in his home and have a Witch turn Ozworld evil before setting him loose onto me...


"He is coming."

This Babayaga says and my heart breaks. This could only end in two ways: with my death or Ozworld's. Suddenly, the door to the dungeons shoots open.

Harry and Ozworld come running into the room and I squeeze my eyes closed as soon as I hear Babayaga chanting.

"What once resided in this place, shall soon be gone with no haste. Make this man age in time, as punishment for his heinous crimes."

However, when I open my eyes, I see that Babayaga has turned to face The Werewolf King and had cast a spell on him.

His entire body starts to age, turning him into a fraile old man. He falls to the floor, leaving just his bones and a pile of bones.

Nobody speaks. Harry comes to release me from my  prison and that's when Ozworld turns to Babayaga. He hugs her and she smiles before clicking her fingers, disappearing from sight.

"Babayaga is Ozworld's soulmates half Sista."

Harry explains to me and I nod, watching as Ozworld looks down at his Father's remains. I walk over to him and lay my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry about your Father."

I tell him and he nods, smiling slightly as he turns and pulls me into a hug, to which I happily return.

"Ozworld is now in charge of the Werewolves. He an' I are gonna form an alliance with each other an' the Vampires. Everythin' will be peaceful from now on."

Harry informs me and I nod, happy that the worst is over and we can finally live a safe and happy life.

"Let's get home to our baby."

I say, taking Harry and Ozworld's hands and leading them from the dungeons.


Thank You To All Of My Loyal Readers!

It's The Final Countdown, People!

Spell Credits:

Shout-Out To millisie & hahaimcraycray For Your Support! Thank You, Both!

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