King Of Hell - Six:

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Amora's P.O.V:


I completely understand now why they call them 'black-out blinds'. When I awoke, not even a smidge of light could make it past the blinds covering the large windows. That must be very beneficial for supernatural creatures. I stretch myself out, a yawn escaping my mouth as I do so. I sit up in the bed, taking a look at my surroundings yet again, not comprehending how a space can be so beautiful!

 I sit up in the bed, taking a look at my surroundings yet again, not comprehending how a space can be so beautiful!

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It was nice, however, to not be woken up by my Mother and Ron arguing. Harry took me on a stroll around the garden. He calls this a house, I call it a mansion. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

I call out and the door opens, revealing Harry. He's dressed in casual clothing, looking comfortable and in his element. He smiles at me and I smile back.

 He smiles at me and I smile back

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"Mornin''. Did ya sleep alrigh''?"

He asks, moving to stand next to the bed. I nod, smiling as I look around at the room.

"I did, actually. This room is amazing!"

I say, gushing. When I look back at Harry, he is looking around at the room, an almost sad smile on his face. I frown and push back the duvet and stand up, standing in front of him.

"What is it?"

I question, reaching to take his hand, shocking both of us. However, I don't let go, waiting for him to speak; and he does.

"This was my Sister's room."

He says and my heart drops. This was Gemma's room? Gemma ran off with a Vampire Prince, who she married. She hasn't seen Harry for years. This is one of the many reasons why I hate the media. They interface too much.

"Let me change, and we'll take a walk."

I say, hoping to change the subject. Harry nods, kissing my forehead and slips from the room. I sigh, feeling the tingles again as I begin to get dressed.


Once dressed, I went in search of Harry

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Once dressed, I went in search of Harry. I finally found him by the front door, after minutes of searching, speaking with a man. He had light brown hair and deep blue eyes that seemed to sparkle when the sunlight hit them. I cautiously make my way over to them slowly and I nearly reach them when Harry turns into my direction, his entire face lighting up, making my heart sweal.

"Amora, this is Niall, my Beelzebub. Niall, this is Amora, my soulmate."

Harry introduces us and I blush at his choice of words. Niall and I shake hands, but I feel no spark like I do when Harry and I touch. Weird. A Beelzebub is the Demon of Gluttony; meaning that he can eat an ocean sized amount of food and it heightens his powers and strength.

"It's very nice to meet you, Amora. Finally, our Kingdom will have a Queen!"

He exclaims and my face falls and my entire body tenses up. Harry angrily turns to Niall and he grows scared. Niall quickly apologies and flees from the scene, leaving an uncomfortable human and an angry Demon alone.

"I'm so sorry 'bout Niall. Man suffers from verbal diarrhea."

Harry's face softens and I giggle at his description of his friend. He smiles at me and I stop giggling and smile back.

"Ready for tha' stroll now?"

He questions me and I nod, happily taking his outstretched hand and letting him lead me away.


"Thank you for an amazing time, Harry. And thank you for letting me stay over."

I tell him and he smiles, nodding his head, shoving his hands into his jean pockets.

"My pleasure."

He says and I lean forward and press my lips delicately to his cheek, feeling the all too familiar spark, sending tingles through my lips. I pull away and face Harry's grin.

"I'll see you soon."

I promise him and enter my house, shutting the door behind me. I sigh when I hear the familiar arguing, my happy mood now dampened. I make my way up the stairs to my room.

Maybe living with Harry wouldn't be such a bad idea...


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First Photo Belongs To @MANSIONSMEDIA . The User Can Be Found On Instagram.

Second Photo Belongs To @GUCCISTYLESEDITS . The User Can Be Found On Instagram.

Third Photos Were All Found On Google Images.

Shout-Out To millisie & Lily_9_2004 For Commenting! Thank you!

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- SI444.

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