Ch - 1 "Hope"

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"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.

- Desmond Tutu

Part 1

Angel's Pov 

Have you ever seen a sunrise? An actual sunrise. 

People say that a sunrise means the start of a new day, a new chapter or a new hope for better. But at this moment the hope to be better than before is getting blurry in my eyes. 

This sunrise doesn't bring any new hope in my life but yeah definitely a new chapter. But that doesn't mean the chapter would be good, maybe it's worse. 

The sun peeping behind the trees is getting blurry due to tears in my eyes. I never ask God why it always happens to me because I think I must have done something very bad to deserve all this and oh i didn't introduce myself so let me.

I'm Angelina, Angelina Hughes, I'm 23 year old with black very long hair and violet eyes. Yeah violet eyes, I have heard that violet eyes are special because it means uniqueness, but whenever I look into my eyes, I look at the lifeless body. 

I work in the textile company and I work there as an assistant to the CEO, and you must be wondering that with a good job why am I weeping here, but that is a problem.

Few days ago the very big company of the USA or should I say the world bought our company and today they are going to take over. 

My boss Mrs. Alison says that they might change the whole staff because the William enterprise loves perfection and they only take the employee with perfect ability, so if they see the quality in us then we can work as before but if not then we have to say goodbye to our job here.

And that is my fear, I live in an apartment with my best friend Kate. We share bills which is a big help but other than that I have to pay hospital bills, to save my mom. 

She has been in a coma for 5 years and I'm waiting for her to wake up and be with me, I really need my mom. But If I lose this job then I don't know what I would do. 

I've worked here for 4 years and our boss is very helpful and understandable, she is in her mid forties and I have never felt uncomfortable here but now I don't know if I can find a new job or will I get comfortable with the new boss because I'm very introverted.

Well let's see what is awaiting for me, I just wish for my mom to wake up because I love her most in this world. 

The chain of my thoughts was broken by my phone alarm. Oh it's 7am already, I have to reach the office at 8am because I have to present all the required documents for today which are already completed. 

After taking a 10 minute shower, I decided to wear a  simple white long sleeves dress which reached to my thighs with white legging, and completed it with blue Flat sandals. 

Then, applying a lotion to my face with a pink lip gloss, I did my hair up in a ponytail that reached to my lower back thighs .

Then, applying a lotion to my face with a pink lip gloss, I did my hair up in a ponytail that reached to my lower back thighs

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I recheck all the documents then proceed to the living room

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I recheck all the documents then proceed to the living room. Kate was in the kitchen making our breakfast, let's just say that without her I wouldn't be here, she helped me a lot in my life that is why only she knows about my past and the real me. 

"Kate I'm going to office, bye" 

"Wait wait, what about your breakfast?" She said.  

Kate is a really beautiful girl with blonde hair and grey eyes and don't forget her stunning personality and beautiful curves. Sometimes I really wish to be beautiful like her but alas I can only wish. 

"Kate I'm going to be late, I need to present these documents, the Williams will arrive at 8:30am and I have to prepare everything before that" 

"But skipping breakfast is not good, let me pack it so you can eat at the office" she said quickly packing it, she is a really stubborn girl and works in clothing co. for the advertising department, she is perfect in everything. 

"Don't forget to eat Angel or you'll be coming shopping with me" she threatened.

"Oh god, I'll definitely finish it," I said walking out of the apartment. 

It is a warning guys, don't ever go shopping with her, you'll know why soon.

At exact 7:50am I reached the office, thank God I'm on time.

After that I prepared the conference room with the photocopy of all the documents and yeah water too. Everything should be perfect. 

The door opened revealing Alison, my boss, "hey Angel is everything prepared?" She asked me, that's the thing I love about her, she is very sweet. 

"Yes, it's all set and ready. Anything else you need?" I asked.

"Yes, when they arrive prepare coffee for them and I did check the contract but recheck it one more time please? Also Angel, I know you must be worried about your job here but I'll try my best to save your job to keep you here." she said with a smile.

"It's okay Alison, even if they don't accept me, I still have a job at your diner" I said, returning the smile. 

Yes she has her own diner where people love to come for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything you wish can get from a diner. 

The diner was her husband's gift to her when he was alive, she doesn't have children that is why she treats me and Kate like her daughters, and we work in her diner on the weekends. 

"Of course sweetie, now go they will be here in around 10 minutes" she laughed and went out.

I rechecked the contract and it was okay with all required papers. 

I was arranging the papers when the conference room's opened.


Author's Note

Hope you guys like it.

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