Ch - 57 "Brave"

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"Maybe the hardest part of life is just having the courage to try."

~ Rachel Hollis 

Part 57 

Angel's Pov 

My head hurts, it's like someone is hammering my head. Then everything rushed into my head, whatever happened before I saw .. Ian. 

I opened my eyes with a gasp, Ian , God help me. I held my head and felt myself hanging upside down while the earth was shaking. 

No, it's. .it's Ian, he is walking with me hanging on his shoulder. No, no, no it's not happening. 

"No Ian,  please leave me, please" I pleaded but he just laughed at my words. I cried my eyes out while still begging him to leave. 

Blood was rushing to my brain and I felt very dizzy. I punched his back to let me go but he didn't even bulge. He pulled out my heels from my feet and threw them away. 

After walking for so long, he put me down harshly and I fell down. I was breathing heavily while he just stared down at me. 

"I have missed you lina" I cried heavily as he called me with that name. 

"Please Ian, I want to go home, I want to go to Blaize." I said and slowly stood up.

His face confronted anger and he pushed me hard against a tree making me yelp in pain. 

"Blaize, Blaize, Blaize, don't you know any name other than that? You don't know how much I missed you, how much I suffer for you. How much I love you." I closed my eyes as he got really close. 

"You married him. Why lina?" He asked, holding my hand and looking at my wedding ring. 

"Because I love him, I love Blaize, and he loves me then why do you keep coming to ruin everything?" I screamed out and don't know from where this confidence came. 

He raised his eyebrow and gritted his teeth. "Oh really? Don't you remember he left you?, left you alone there while I was the one to hold you up, you should love me not him." He yelled back at me and my confidence went to zero as fear arose again. 

"Please Ian, we were only best friends, please let me go." He ignored my words and came really close to my face. 

"Tell me lina, did he touch you here?"  My eyes widened and fear spread throughout my body as he brushed my neckline. 

"Or here?" He asked again, wrapping his arm around my waist.

When Blaize touched me it felt home, I felt safe but now I feel like spiders crawling at my body. 

I cried again and begged him to leave me. 

"Okay, it means he did, now did you give yourself completely to him? Did he do that to you?" I felt very very disgusted as he asked that and touched my cheeks.

I tilted my face to the other side and tried to let go but he has a very strong grip. Tears kept coming from my eyes.  

"Fuck, you let him lina, how could you ?" He let me go with a jerk and I fell down. He came to me and held my hand harshly. 

He tried to take my ring off, "No no no no Ian please I can't let you take this, please it's my wedding ring please" I fisted my hand so he won't take it off but he harshly took that ring off my ring and my finger started to bleed. 

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