Ch - 12 "Workload"

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"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we care is called Passion"

~ Unknown

Part 12

Angel's Pov

"Okay, let's start from my room," I said to myself and started cleaning my room. Kate and Ray have gone on a 3 days trip to Disneyland to celebrate their 7 year anniversary together. Yup they have been together since their teenage.

And I decided to clean the apartment. I had a plan to go to Alison's diner but she closed her diner for 2 days because of renovation work. So I literally have no job today.

I never had any holiday because I used to work all days in week at company and diner but after 4 years this is my 1st holiday and it's because I have no job.

I hope I'll get a good job as soon as possible because I don't want to take any risk in mom's treatment.

I really wanted to wish to get appointed at Inferno company but it's better for me to stay as far as possible from blaize. It really hurt to see how the person you loved most in the world, broke your heart in the worst way possible.

I decided to do all the cleaning to keep my mind busy from thinking about a certain someone with gorgeous blue eyes.


At exact 5pm, I completed all the cleaning, which made me really really tired. I took a long 30 minutes bath and ordered Veg pizza.

Not because I'm tired of cooking anything but because I can't cook, and yess I'm vegetarian & can't cook any food items except cheese sandwiches and coffee.

After 10 minutes the doorbell rang. Wow fast delivery, thank god because I'm too hungry. With excitement I opened my door ready to claim my pizza but there was no pizza except one man in black suit. What? Man in Black?

Yeah yeah I watch too many movies. "Yes, how may I help you?" I asked him politely.

"The only way is to accept it," he replied, giving me a blue folder. With a confused look I took it.

"What is it? I just ordered pizza, not some documents" I commented, yeah I speak too much too sometimes.

"It's says that you are appointed as a personal secretary for the Inferno organisation, and you are required to report at sharp 8am from tomorrow onwards, and you are also require to sign these documents containing your appointment formalities and bring them with you tomorrow, now see you at the office" with that he left without any further saying.

"What?" I looked at the folder in my hand with a shocked expression. "What exactly happened?" I asked myself, they literally appoint me, out of 50 people they appoint me? Why?

I knew blaize wouldn't give me this job, until he has something to get. But why? Why did he choose me?

But I needed this job, I needed to make mom proud of me when she woke up. I have to do my best work in this company, yes nothing would happen if I work hard there.

The smell of pizza reached to my nostrils making my stomach growl.

I didn't notice that I was standing outside the door until the pizza boy came and delivered it.

After eating pizza, I spent the whole night tossing and turning on bed, because my mind still wandered on the thought of why did he give me this job when he was the one who kicked me out of my previous job.

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