Ch - 46 "Embarrassment"

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"It's only embarrassing if you care what people think"

~  Unknown 

Part 46

Angel's Pov 

I kept glaring holes in his head but he was smiling looking at the road in front. 

"If you are trying to glare at me then it's not working Angel, your glare is more like a rabbit is requesting a lion to not to eat it"  He said with a chuckle.

My eyes widened at his words, "Did you just call me a rabbit?" 

He smiled and looked at me for a second then back at the road. "No, I called myself a lion"

I huffed then folded my hands in front and he chucked more. "I'm sorry, but you are looking pretty cute like this"

"That's not fair, blaize, I wanted to spend the whole night with her." I pouted looking at the window.

He sighed and stopped the car at the Red light. "Angel, you didn't have your breakfast and lunch. I know you were going to skip your dinner too. I'm just taking you home so you can rest and have food. Mom also agreed with me and I promise I'll take you back there in morning" 

I looked at him and saw him smiling kindly at me. Is he doing all this to get my forgiveness? 

I didn't reply to him and he silently drove me home. 

As we reached home I was about to open the car door but he again beat me at it and opened the door for me.

I thanked him and entered home, it was very silent that made me frown. Is everyone asleep? 

"Where is everyone?" I asked and looked at blaize. 

"Chris and Benny have gone to dinner today, while dad has a business conference today." He said as he took off his jacket and put it on the sofa. 

"So it's just you and me" I wanted to ask but it came out as a sentence and not in the right way because seeing him flexing his back muscles did something wrong to my voice. 

He chuckled and replied. "Yes, just you and me" 

I blushed deeply red, God why can't this earth swallow me now? "Uhm, I. . I..should go and change" I said and walked to our room in fast strides but still could hear his laugh. 

I tried to control my breathing and my erratic heartbeat. See this always happens whenever I'm with blaize or heard his laugh. His laugh is like a beautiful rain pouring onto my heart and when he took off his jacket--

"God I need to control these thoughts too seriously" I muttered and ran in the bathroom to change into my pj's.



When I walked downstairs again, I saw Blaize in the kitchen and went to him. He has folded his cuffs upwards and is doing everything like he is a professional in cooking. 

I really wanted to just stay outside and look at his beautiful back and those expert hands. I really-- "You okey?"

I coughed out to hide my embarrassed look but he got worried and ran to me. "Hey you okay, aren't you feeling good?" 

"Yeah,... yeah I'm. . I'm good. I just need….Uhm. water" I stuttered and went into the kitchen to take water. 

"What are you making?" I asked him before he could comment anything and I can avoid some embarrassment. 

He shook his head and stirred what's on the stove. "I'm making potato curry for you and me. You like it right?" I nodded my head. 

"Need some help?" I asked genuinely, but wanted him to say no because that would be great help for him. It's not like I know how to cook. 

"Sure, can you cut this lemon for me?" He smiled and gave a knife and a lemon. I looked at them blankly, it's been - I don't know - forever, since I used a knife.  

I put the lemon down and tried to cut it with a knife, but it didn't work. The knife isn't sharp I guess. I tried harder but no result. God, I really don't want to be more embarrassed.

"You are holding a knife upside down." I was startled as I heard blaize behind me and the knife slipped from my hand. I tried to catch it but made a big mistake because it ended up cutting my right hand palm as I mistakenly held its sharp side. 

"Ouch," I hissed and blaize gasped. "Oh god" he held my hand and took it under the running tap to wash it. He carried me in bridal style and took me outside on the sofa then ran to find the first aid box. 

He looked really worried and scared when he was back with the first aid. "Why did you ask for help when you didn't know how to cook or use kitchen utensils?" 

He slowly blew on my wound as he cleaned it with alcohol, it really hurt but I couldn't make any sound because I don't want to see this painful expression on his face. 

"I.. I. . Just-" he cut me off in the middle. "No it was my mistake, I shouldn't have given you that work, I knew you don't know how to cook but I still thought. …..God damn it. I'm so sorry Angel" 

I sighed when he said that, it wasn't his mistake. "Blaize, accident happens, don't worry I'm fine" I said smiling. I really wanted to kiss his cheek to make him smile but I doubt if it'll happen or I'll put myself in some new embarrassment. 

After dressing my wound he kissed my bandaged palm making my heart again galloped in a fast heartbeat. "I'll never allow you to take even a step into the kitchen." 

My eyes widened and I was about to deny but frowned when I smelled something. "Wait is that burning smell?" I asked and this time his eyes widened. 

The fire alarm flared and we ran to the kitchen which was filled with smoke. He coughed and opened all the kitchen windows. Next he checked the food after turning off the stove then put it under the running tap and walked back to me.

"Guess we are ordering pizza?" I don't know why but it actually made me laugh out loud. 

He started to laugh with me too, and that moment I remember my mom's words. I really should stop running over some misunderstanding from the past and live my present happily with him. 

But still, first I want to know what he is going to do to earn my forgiveness. 

Even if he won't do anything, it will change nothing because I already forgive him for everything. I don't even want him to do anything,  I just want him to be with me like before.  

I love him with my everything and not only him, but I love everything about him. 

That night we ended up ordering pizza and spending our night on the sofa watching movies. 




Author's Note

Hope you guys like it.

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Hey guys,
I need a quick suggestion.
I feel like the story is boring, is it really?
Am I getting this story into the boring track?
If yes then please can you give any suggestions?  What I need to work upon?

Please your opinion is not important for me.

Please guys

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