Ch - 5 "Alone"

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"I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person."

- Oscar Wilde

Part 5

Angel's Pov 

I gulped looking at Blaize, he is still glaring at me. "Will you stop scaring her Blaize?" Chris said, holding his shoulder.

Yes, after I found his real Identity, William's family joined us and started welcoming guests. 

I  tried to hide behind Benny, key word tried, but I still felt the cold daggers at the back of my head.

"You look really beautiful Angel, I love your hair, and oh let me introduce you two, Blaize this is Angelina Hughes our personal assistant and Angel this is Blaize William my little brother in law." She said cheerily.

Blaize looked shocked at first but composed himself as fast as lightning. 

He looked at his brother's eyes like asking a question to which Chris shrugged.

Blaize looked at me again, I really don't know what to do so I just forward my hand to shake and to my surprise he actually took it. 

But I felt the spark from touching his hand. My heart again started to beat like a marathon runner. 

At that moment I was sure that he is that Blaize so his full name is Blaize William.

He makes my heart flutter and chimps in my stomach just by his eyes and his touch has sparks. He left my hand with a jerk like he felt that spark too. I don't know if he remembers me or not. 

"I'm going to greet my friends." Blaize said without looking and walked away. 

Rich people, who need to remember a naive girl whom he gave so many feelings at such a young age. 

"And I'm his girlfriend, Lacey Morgan, the one and only heir of Morgan industries" she said holding my hand forcefully and squeezed it harshly making me bite my lip to stop from hissing. 

"So you better stay away from my man, he is mine only and if I ever see you again touching him, I'll rip every hair on your head" she glared hard at me then walked away. 

So that's why she was screeching when I bumped into blaize and she was that girl who made him forget me. But why is she behaving like I'm taking Blaize away from her. It's not possible.

"Hey you okey?" Benny asked.

"Yeah I just need a fresh air, I have never been to a party so it just feels so uncomfortable" with that I excused myself but the thing is .. I don't know where to go or what to do? 

I don't drink any beer, wine or any kind of alcohol. And eating alone is very uncomfortable. How I wish Kate would be here with me.

"What a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?" A voice said behind me, I turned to find a man may be in his late twenties, dark hairs which are set perfectly. 

His face features are like Greek god, green eyes, pointed nose, plum lips and jaw as sharp as a blade, but Blaize is more handsome. Wait what the hell I'm saying.

"Uh sorry I didn't recognise you" I said as gently as possible. His face fell for a millisecond but he smiled very bright and the reason is unknown to me.

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