Ch - 14 "Flashback/3"

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"Even if we say the past is the past, we still can't escape the fact that Flashback exists."

~ Unknown

Part 14

Blaize's Pov (Age 18)

"Are you kidding me?" I yelled at Bryan who just threw orange juice on my white shirt.

"Like seriously? Are there any problems with your brain ?" I gave him my killing glare.

"It's my revenge for throwing meat ball at my face, it fucking made a bruise, you brute" he yelled dramatically.

Of course he needs to take care of his looks for his playboy personality.

"It was not me, you idiot, it was Declan." What's wrong with these boys, they behave like 5 literally.

I was talking to Angel, but they had to disturb me in the middle.

"Kyle handle these kids because I need to talk to my girlfriend" I ordered him to which he rolled his eyes.

Yes I'm back to Newyork, it's been 6 months, we talk on call, text messages and video calls. Because we both had to focus on our study.

But distancing didn't fade our love instead it was more stronger than before.

We talked daily, telling each other our daily activities, and I also needed to know what she did and whom she met. She is still my naive angel.

Once we were on call and she told me that she helped a transfer student in school, when I got to know it's guy, I precisely told her not to talk to him.

There are two reasons one because I get very jealous when she talks about any other men except Chris. Secondly I don't trust any man with her.

It's not like I don't trust her, there is no reason for not trusting her, she is too innocent for her own good.

That is why I told her *cough* ordered her not to talk to him, for her own safety. And thankfully she doesn't talk about him anymore.

I'm really dying to touch her again. That is why I decided to surprise her with a visit.

But these moron friends of mine wanted to meet her too, they wanted to meet the girl who had swept me off my feet.

Of course, that's why I need to know what she does in her day, I'm not there to push the guys away from her.

she is just so beautiful, I miss touching her long wavy hairs and looking into her gorgeous eyes, dancing in her comforting arms, touching her soft skin and kissing those strawberry lips, they taste like heaven and--

"Will you stop daydreaming about your girl?" Adrian asked with a smirk on his stupid face. Damn you Adrian.

"I'm just missing her, I'll surprise her tomorrow on Christmas, I can imagine her giggling and her laughing"

"Well for that you need to take a bath and get ready, because our flight is in 3 hours" he reminded me.

"I was ready, damn you Bryan" cursing, I walked into the house again for shower.

I was studying with my 4 Best friends. We were together since we were in diapers because our mothers were members of the same club, so we literally grew together, except my years in paris.

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