Ch - 44 "Emotions"

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"The bravest thing I ever did 
Was continuing my life
When I wanted to die."

~  Juliette  Lewis 

Part 44

Angel's Pov 

I walked out of my room to find Blaize, I shouldn't have behaved like that. I promised him that I'll try to move on from my past and live my present with him. 

I will try my best for him, seeing Clara and Aaron after so many years again brought back memories which I never wanted to visit but still I have to try, for Blaize. 

If I stay with him, the memories won't Haunt me so I decided to be near him but I couldn't find him anywhere, I didn't even know this house fully so I might get lost too. 

After checking many rooms for 5 minutes, I saw the door at the end of the hall was half open and I could see Kate sitting on the side sofa with Declan.  Are they all here? I went near the door and heard voices. 

"I told you blaize, I told you to go and talk to her, but you didn't listen." I heard Adrian say. Talk to whom? I frowned in confusion.

"You wanted to surprise her on Christmas that day, but just seeing Angel showing that pregnancy test to Ian you thought she betrayed you,  you thought she was pregnant and left in thought that she forgot you. I told you that you'll regret it" my breath stuck in my throat as I heard those words. 

I opened the door fully and saw everyone was in the room. Kate saw me and gasped, making everyone look into my direction.

With slow steps I went inside, my body froze as I registered what it means. 

My questions from blaize have been answered today with this one sentence.  He thought I was pregnant with…. How could he? Is that why he left me? 

I looked at Chris and asked "Di-did you believe-believe that too?" He closed his eyes and looked down. I could see tears flowing down his eyes. The silence was my answer.  

I was wrong, I was wrong, it didn't hurt this much when Ian and James hurt me physically but today it hurts so badly that it was so hard to even breathe. He never trusted me, they both never did.

I looked back at Blaize, he stood up and walked to me but before he could touch me I walked out of that room in fast strides. 

I could hear him calling behind me but I didn't stop. Today I'm feeling different kinds of emotions, it's heartbreaking and it's worse than I felt when he didn't return back then. 

I'm feeling something is building inside me, like it wants to burst out and I just want to scream, scream and scream. Is it anger? I have never felt anger before, is this how it feels?   

"Angel, please stop, please let me explain, just listen please" I stopped in my tracks in the living room as I heard his words. 

This time I did something I never imagined I could do. I turned around and walked to him at a fast pace and slapped him hard across his face. I could see the shock written on everyone's face.  

I looked at blaize in his eyes which held only guilt. "Did you? Did you let me explain? Did you even think about giving me a chance to explain?" I yelled at him and never thought I could have yelled this loud. 

"I.. I'm sorry ..I'm so sorry.  Please. .please don't leave me… Ange-" I cut him off in the middle.  "Don't you dare say my name, you … you are a.. a...a… I don't even know what to call you" 

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