Ch - 39 "Revenge"

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"Revenge is the dish best Served cold" 

~ Don Vito Corleone 

Part 39

Blaize's Pov

The sunlight illuminated the room and Angel stirred in her sleep as light hit her eyes. 

I smiled and brushed some baby hair out of her face. "Wake up My sleeping beauty" 

She opened her eyes and stared in my eyes. I brushed my fingers on her soft skin. Her left hand reached my hairs and she brushed them softly.  

"You know I could kiss you right now" Her eyes widened and colors flared at her checks. She pulled her hand back making me chuckle. 

"But as much as I want to kiss you, I need to go to the office early today," I said, kissing her red cheeks. 

I carried her to the bathroom in bridal style. "Uhm you can go to the office, Benny will help me in the bath" I shook my head at her words.  

"I'm capable enough to take care of my wife" I winked at her and made her sit on the cabinet. 

I was about to put off her dress but she stopped me in the middle. "Your eyes, I mean you-you didn't close your eyes" 

I smirked at her "Why, I'm your husband, I can see what I want" I shrugged and she glared at me.

I was surprised with this change in her, but she changed her looks and looked down. "Uhm please?" 

Benny's words from 2 days ago definitely did something to her. 

I smiled at her cuteness. "Okay, your wish, my command" I closed my eyes and carefully helped her in the bath then I wrapped her in a bathrobe.

As I carried her out I again had to pull out a sundress because she can only wear them comfortably.

Again closing my eyes, I changed her into the beautiful white dress then made a messy bun of her hair. Which I learned online.  

I took my shower in 15 minutes and changed into my office attire. Today I have important work to complete which I can't wait to put my hand on. 

I came out of the closet and she passed me a very tiny smile. I really want to kiss her but I know she is not ready yet. 

"So, uhm can we… Uhm you know-" she gulped and looked at her fingers. 

I sat beside her and pulled her chin up with my fingers. "You can tell me anything Angel, what is it?" I asked her very gently. 

She took a deep breath, "uhm We.... I.. want to see mom and it's been so long since I saw her, so-so can we.. I mean. . Can I go?" She avoided eye contact with me. She wanted me to go with her.

"Of course I can take you there, why are you even nervous? Remember what I said? You are more important than work, so I can take you at lunch" 

"Thank you Blaize, it's. . It's just .. I don't know ..if I'm ready…. to face people, you know-" she stopped in the middle and it was clear, she was afraid to go alone. 

"Don't worry my snow white, I'll be with you everywhere you go" she frowned looking at me.

"What's with you and these name calling?" I kissed her cheeks and again colors flared at her cheeks making her more cute. 

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