Ch - 38 "Weakness"

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"Growth begins when we start to accept our own weakness" 

~ Jean Vanier 

Part 38

Angel's Pov 

I was looking at the ceiling thinking about how my life took a worst kind of turn every time I thought everything was getting into place. 

When I thought Blaize and I would be together for eternity, he had to leave me. 

When I thought finally I got a good friend but he ended up giving me the worst kind of pain anyone could ever give. 

When I thought I would be free from Ian's fear and be happy with mom. She had to go through an accident and that broke me seriously. 

When I - "Angel will you stop giving pain to your head?" Benny's voice broke me from my thoughts. She came back today from her small business trip.

I felt her hand on my shoulder and sighed. "I got some fruits for you, I thought we could eat together?" She asked kindly and I sat up. 

She needs to eat because of her pregnancy and I don't want to deny her. 

She gave me a slice of apple, it reminded me of Clara.  When she was pregnant, I used to cut apples into slices for her and she wouldn't eat that until I would share.  

A tear slid down my eyes as I saw that slice. I really miss her, she did nothing but care for me and what I did? I just left her there. 

"Hey, you okay? If you don't like this then I can order other fruits too." I shook my head and put the slice back. 

"B-benny?" She looked shocked at first but composed herself soon. 

"What is it Angel? You can tell me. I was dying to hear your voice sweetheart" 

"I want to know " I looked at her with my tearful eyes. She wiped my tears and urged me to speak more. 

"I want to know, why am I so weak? Why can't I be like you? Like other girls? Why can't I be strong like everyone?" She hugged me and I just sobbed. 

"Who said you are weak? You are not weak Angel. In fact you are the strongest girl I have ever seen. You had to go through so much in your life and you are still standing like a tree. Everytime Lacey tried to hurt you, you never ever said a word. That makes us know how mentally strong you are." 

I looked at her and she again wiped my tears, I showed her my still plastered hand and leg. "I'm not strong, I'm so weak, so pathetic, so-" she cut me off in the middle. 

"Okay enough," she pointed at my plasters. "This doesn't mean you are weak. What if you have no physical strength, you are still mentally strongest girl. You know Blaize is physically very strong no one can beat him… except Kyle and Chris" she said, making a thoughtful look. 

"But the thing is Blaize is physically strongest but mentally he isn't strong, he always lash out in anger, he has no strength to control his anger, his emotions. So he should be weak too, but he isn't, so your capacity doesn't describe who you are, it's your capabilities who defines your colors. So believe in yourself Angel. Love yourself before loving any other person. Just accept yourself as who you are. Because you are the best version of yourself" she took a deep breath at the end. 

I just looked at her shocked. I didn't ever think like that, I just thought about what others did, I never thought how I would react. 

I hugged her tightly. "Thank you for believing in me" 

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