Ch - 54 "My Goddess"

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"She unleashed her inner goddess and became the woman her soul knew she could be."

~  Unknown 

Part 54

Angel's Pov 

I looked at the window and took a deep breath. My mind still wandered to that text. 

Blaize told me it was mistakenly sent to me by someone. He said it's not sent for any bad intentions so I don't need to worry but then why can't I stop my heart from beating this loud with fear. Like something very bad is going to happen.

Tomorrow's Kate's wedding and here I'm thinking about things which might happen or not. I need to focus my mind on Kate's wedding, not on any other things. 

The door opened of the room revealing Blaize. He smiled and sat beside me. "You look upset, what is it? " I shook my head and rested it over his heart. 

"I'm scared blaize, I'm scared something bad is coming. I don't want to go anywhere without you. Even the bodyguard you appointed for me doesn't feel safe. I only feel safe with you. Please don't leave me alone." I said tightening my hold on him.

"I'm always here sweetheart, always with you and I appointed Nathan because no one is better trustworthy than him. Don't worry Angel everything will be fine. Just focus your mind on how you are gonna surprise Kate tomorrow. She kept calling me today but I told her that you and I will receive her and Ray from their apartment." He said kissing my cheeks then my head. 

I smiled and nodded, "Yes then we can take them to the church directly, but did you send her the wedding gown? The tux to Ray? What did you even say?" I asked because I know how Kate goes barbaric with questions. 

"I told them it's a gift from mom and dad and she happily accepted it, pretty easy" he smirked like a victorious man and I laughed out loud at his Childishness.

He smiled again and looked into my eyes intently. I bit my lip imagining what he exactly wanted to do. 

He didn't waste any more seconds and dipped his head to meet my lips. Instantly the kiss turned into a passionate one and he bit my lip making me gasp. 

The things turned into steamy steps and all worries, fear, pain everything disappeared from my brain. 

I believe now, I trust that now nothing can separate us, nothing. 






"Blaize, I'm not a doll" I huffed and sat on the floor with crossed legs. 

"I know you aren't a real doll but for me you are my innocent doll and I want to prepare you today for this wedding. Please" he gave me puppy eyes while pouting like a child. 

Dear lord, why? Why?

"Okay, okay, fine but do you even know how to do makeup?" I asked with a raised brow. 

"Firstly you don't need makeup, I like your natural beauty. Secondly I know basic makeup which will be enough for you. So now pleaseee" he said, making that innocent face and I sighed.  

How can I say no to this? 

I took a flowery bath and walked out with the wrapped towel. He made me sit on the chair and dried my hair then gave me a beautiful hair style. 

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