Ch - 22 "Marriage"

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"The goal in marriage is not to think Alike, But to think Together"

~ Robert C Dodds 

Part 22

Angel's Pov.

"Angel, you still have time to think about it" Kate said standing behind me, she was brushing my hairs while I was just looking into the mirror blankly.

"No Kate, I already signed the papers, now I can't back out. I can't even break off this marriage later. I'm doing all this for mom" she signed and made a messy Bun hairstyle for my hair. 

Ray entered with a colorful bouquet in his hand "you know, if you weren't going to destroy your life, I would say you are looking most gorgeous girl I have ever seen" he said passing me a sad smile and handing me the flowers

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Ray entered with a colorful bouquet in his hand "you know, if you weren't going to destroy your life, I would say you are looking most gorgeous girl I have ever seen" he said passing me a sad smile and handing me the flowers. 

"Oh you mean, I am not beautiful?" Kate asked him with a playful glare. 

"What? I didn't mean it in that way" Ray said with a worried look. 

Kate laughed and held his hand. "I was kidding idiot"

I smiled at them then looked into the mirror again. I was wearing a knee length wedding dress. The dress was off shoulder and puffed arms. I was feeling a little exposed because I don't wear dresses like these, But this dress is gifted by Benny and I didn't want to disrespect her so I had to accept it.

 I was feeling a little exposed because I don't wear dresses like these, But this dress is gifted by Benny and I didn't want to disrespect her so I had to accept it

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(Angel's Dress,  .... ps. The girl in the picture isn't Angel :)))

"I know whatever you are doing, it's for your mom. But Angel I don't think your mom will be happy to see you killing your happiness for her" I shook my head at Ray's words. 

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