Ch - 68 "Revisiting"

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"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

"Our journey isn't perfect but it's ours and I'll stick with you till the end."

~ Unknown 

Part 68

Angel's Pov 

"Blaize you seriously won't tell me where we are going ?" I asked him while he drove.

"Nope," he said and stopped the car at a red light. He pulled out a black strip and moved to me. 

 "Wait, wait what are you doing?" I shrieked at him when he blindfolded me. 

"Surprise sweetie, I don't want you to see it already." He chuckled and started to drive again. 

After very long he stopped the car and I heard the voice of the door open. 

Next I felt him opening the doors on my side and carrying me in his arms. 

Next I felt him climbing the stairs and after walking for some time he gently laid me on the soft surface. It must be a bed. 

"I think you should take a rest now," Blaize said, making me frown. 

"And about this blindfold." I heard him chuckled and sat beside me. 

"I can't let you open it yet, you can sleep because it will take many hours to my surprise and I can't let you open your eyes until then." I sighed and nodded my head. 

"Okay, You are making me so confused but I got it. I'm also feeling sleepy so I can sleep." I said and felt him adjusting pillows at my back. 

"Do you want me to change your dress? I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He asked me and I nodded my head. "Yeah it's just too heavy I can change it myself."

"Nope, wait let me do it." He went away and came back after a few minutes and helped me to put off my wedding gown and changed into another soft yet comfortable gown, he even put off the heavy jewellery making me relaxed. 

He again helped me lay down on bed and brushed my hair, opening them. The gesture made me so calm that I didn't even notice when I fell asleep, it's because I didn't sleep last night and today's tardiness is trolling over me now. 

This time I fell into a beautiful dreamland not some dark forest. 




I opened my eyes with a yawn and gasped when I found myself in a completely different room. 

The room has no windows, and with just two doors. I quickly stood up scared and opened the first door. It was a bathroom. 

I tried to open the next door but it was locked. I noticed a card just below the door and took it in my hand. 

I sighed when I found it was from Blaize, I was really scared just a minute ago. 

I opened the card and something was written in it with Blaize's handwriting.

'Dear Angel,

Don't be afraid, you are totally fine. I'm always watching over you. You were sleeping very peacefully so I didn't wake you up. 

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