Ch - 6 "Flashback/1"

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"A smile happens in a flash, but it's memory can last a lifetime."

- Bertrand Russell

Part 6 

(Angelina (7Age))

Today is my first day in a new school in paris. I love this beautiful country, mommy said I was born in paris and beautiful just like paris. 

I giggled remembering her words, "why is my beautiful Angel giggling alone?" Mommy asked me as I held her pinky finger. 

"I love this place mommy" I told her looking at my new school.

She smiled and kissed my hair. "Okay, now go inside and be a good girl" I nodded and kissed her cheek then ran inside. 

After drawing, the teacher told me that I could play in the garden so I smiled and ran to the garden where I saw my favourite... swing. I love swinging.

I was swinging with giggling and laughing. I wanted to be a bird and fly away. 

I giggled again but someone pushed me out in the mud and I saw blood on my elbow and knees, instantly tears wet my cheeks as I cried silently. 

I looked at the boy who pushed me, he was tall with brown and black hair, and blue eyes. 

Another boy ran to me and helped me up, he gasped looking at my elbow and knees, "Blaize what's wrong with you? I asked you to say hello to her, not to push her off the swing" he scolded the boy who pushed me and made me sit on a bench and run away. 

I was looking in the direction where he ran away when a hand wiped my tears. It was blaize. "I'm sorry, I was saying hello but you were so busy laughing and I pushed you so you can listen to me but I'm sorry You got hurt" he said with guilt. 

I nodded and smiled "It's okay, Mommy says always forgive" he smiled too and he has cute dimples. 

"Hi.. I'm blaize and you?" He said with a smile. "I'm Angelina Hughes and we are friends" I grinned at him.

"Blaize , oh my god what'd you do boy?" A woman with beautiful black hair and green eyes ran to me with a first aid kit.

"how many times I have told you to be nice, when will you listen to me, son" oh she is Blaize's mother. 

"It's okay, he said sorry and we are friends now" I told her in a small voice. I always feel shy with strangers. 

"Well aren't you a cutie, what's your name" I told her my name and she smiled kissing my cheeks then bandaged my elbow and knees. 

"Okay now I'm going and Blaize be good to her, and Chris you must take care of Blaize and Angel here. And angel take some rest you'll be fine soon"

"Okay Miss" I smiled back at her. "Awe you can call me Sofia" with that she walked away leaving me with Chris and Blaize. 

After that day I always played with Blaize and Chris. Chris always took care of me like a brother.

He brought ice creams and chocolates for me but most importantly he always brings me butterscotch cupcakes daily because I love it and that's why he called me cupcake. 

Blaize and me always play with only each other, he never plays with any other boy or girl and neither do let me. He always said that I'm his and I always giggled when he said that. 


It's been 5 year with Blaize and me being best friends. He is a very sweet, lovely boy. 

I like him so much, yes I know I'm too small to like, but I know that I like him more than any boy around. I think I just do more than like him.

When I told this to mom, she said, she knew it and she is happy for me. I always smile remembering Blaize.

Today's my birthday and I'll be 13 year old. I'm waiting for Blaize in the park with mom, but he is again 15 minutes late. 

"Mom please call Sofia and ask where Blaize is." I'm too excited to meet him because he said he wants to give me my b'day gift. 

Just then he came running to me and hugged me which made me fall backwards, we both laughed out loud . 

"Happy birthday angel" I giggled at him. "You made me wait"  He smiled and took my hand. "Mom I'm taking her to the swing" he said and ran with me. 

Mom and Sofia also become very good friends in these 5 years, Sofia lives with Blaize & Chris, her husband is in another country for I don't know why.

She doesn't live with him, but i just know that they had some fight then she denied to live with him. Blaize never talked about his father to me and neither told me his full name. 

When I asked him long ago he only said that he doesn't want to talk about his father and his last name, even in school nobody knows his full name, not even teachers. 

I will not ask him anything which hurt him because he is too precious to me and I trust him more than my life. 

He sat on a swing with me and smiled "where is my gift?" I asked. 

"I'll give you a promise" I give him a confused look.

He took my hands and looked at me, " Angel, I promise you that you'll always be the Queen of my heart, I promise you that I'll be the only guy to rule your heart. I promise you that whatever happen I'll never leave you hand, may be we are small yet but even if we get big, you'll only one to be in my heart, you'll only one to run in my thoughts, I promise to never leave you, you are my heart angel and your smile is my heartbeat, it's been more than 5 years since we meet, but I promise that I'll be with you even after life, you are my rapunzel, you are only mine and I will protect you with my life, I promise you that I'll be only yours, I will be your safety home and I love you so so so much Angel" 

My eyes watered at his confession, now I understand that what I was feeling for him is not only like but love, yes i love him. "I love you too Blaize, please don't ever leave me" I said hugging him. 

I still get sparks by hugging him and my heart beats so fast just by looking at his eyes. 

He hugged me like his life depended on me, from that moment I was his, and he bound me in his magic. My heart, my mind, my soul, my body belongs to him only. 

We both confessed our love to each other and then I saw our moms looking at us with so much sparkling in their eyes. 

I know that day that I love Blaize and only Blaize, he is my life and my everything but that day I didn't know that my everything was going to snatch away from me. 

I didn't know that the promises he made were based on lies.


Author's Note

Hope you guys like it.

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