Ch - 35 "Guilt"

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"Guilt is the worst demon to bear, Strangling you from the inside of your body.  Apologise. Make Amends. Let Go. Breathe Free."

~  Nikita Gill 

Part 35

Blaize's Pov 

"Hey, Bryan and I made some designs for Las Castle. Look" Chris's voice took me out of my painful thoughts. I looked at him blankly because my mind kept wandering to Angel. 

How could she do this to me? I thought our relationship was going to be perfect, just like old times.  But now she had to go and cheat on my back again.  

She will never change, but then why my heart doesn't want to believe it. Why my heart is saying that I'm making a big mistake.  

"Dude, are you here?" Chris said again and I groaned in annoyance. 

I saw Benny walk back and frown. "Where is Angel?" 

"Didn't she go with you?" Chris said with raised eyebrow.  Adrian and Bryan also got back to their seats. 

"Uhm yes, but she wasn't there when I came out, I thought she got back to her seat" Benny said and my heart beat got faster. I don't know why but it feels like something bad is happening. 

"God, I can't believe she again started whoring around your back. I think you're right, you should divorce-" Lacey stopped in the middle as Benny put the broken glass on her neck. 

"You were saying?" Lacey gulped and Chris pulled Benny to himself. 

"I think we should find her now," Adrian said. I don't know what I should do. 

On one hand I'm angry at her for what she did or might be doing now. Second I'm scared for her, what if she landed herself in some trouble? What if she is not safe? 

I stood up with a jerk and looked at Bryan. "Bryan" I didn't need to say it twice as he pulled out his phone and started tracking her phone. 

After less than a minute he said. "Outside" I walked out of the club faster than light.  

I didn't find her outside, but I found her phone on the floor. Dammit, where are you Angel? What if she got hurt? Or worse kidnapped? 

My breathing got rigid as I frantically walked around looking for her. 

"I think we should look inside, she isn't here" Lacey said with a weird look but before I could say anything I heard a loud cry.  Angel. 

I ran to that sound and my breath stopped at what I saw. My vision got red as I saw Angel limping while James Morris had his grip on her hairs and tried to kiss her. 

She wasn't even in a condition to hold herself up. With heavy breaths I went to him and ripped him off My Angel. 

She fell down with a thud and I punched him hard on his face. "How dare you even touch her?" I yelled and punched him again, breaking his jaw. 

He whimpered in pain and that was the music to my ears. I stood on both of his hand's fingers to crush them and he screamed in pain. 

"These fingers touched what's mine so they need to be destroyed." I said with gritted teeth and punched his broken jaw until my knuckles turned red. 

"Blaize, come fast we need to take her to hospital now" Benny yelled and it was enough for me to stop. 

"I'll take him, you go" Adrian said with a cold and angry voice which is rare.

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