Ch - 64 "Good News"

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"Believe in God's goodness and love toward you, and you will receive what you are Believing for. 

~ Joseph Prince 

Part 64

Angel's Pov 

It's been 3 days since Blaize proposed to me and wedding preparation is going very fast. 

Benny and Kate said that they will handle all the preparations for my wedding and all I need to do is rest. 

Blaize is also working on his projects so he can get some free time after our wedding. 

Everyone was really happy that we decided to remarry. Mom even suggested having a ring ceremony before the wedding ceremony. 

We decided to have a ring ceremony tomorrow and then the day after tomorrow is the wedding. 

I told them it's pretty early for making preparations but Chris and Adrian said that it's pretty easy for them. 

Things are going very very smoothly except one thing. My health.

I think I'm getting sick or something because I feel dizzy too much lately and the food makes me nauseous.

Everytime I smell coffee, chocolate or tomatoes, I have to run to the bathroom to puke my guts out. 

Thank God no one knows about it yet because in the morning whenever I felt nauseous I ran to the other room's bathroom so I wouldn't disturb Blaize's sleep. 

Then at the dinner table I made sure to control myself and not to smell anything that does weird things to my stomach. Even because of eating less, my stomach started to hurt lately. 

Everyone is busy in Wedding preparation so no one eats dinner together for a few days so no one notices my eating habits. 

Blaize even asked me not to come to the office because he will be working in a different building everyday.  I also agreed so I can get some rest at home. 

But today things are very bad, my dizziness is getting stronger and I already puked 5 times today while it's already evening. 

Blaize told me that he won't be home until late at night with Chris & Dad and Benny & Kate are also out shopping. 

"Here, you didn't have your lunch, so have this orange juice now." I heard Lara as she entered my room. Lara is house manager for Williams but she was on a 3 months leave for some personal reasons.

She is a really sweet lady just like my mom. "Thank you Lara." I took the juice from her and she went out. I just took a sip of the juice and again it made me nauseous.

I put the juice on the table and ran to the bathroom. I puked again badly. 

"God what is even happening?" I mumbled as I again felt very dizzy.

After washing my mouth and brushing teeth I came out. Just as I came out it felt nauseous again and I had to run to the bathroom again. 

I saw stars in front of my eyes as I puked again. I washed my mouth again and felt the dizziness got stronger.  

I held the counter to support myself as I was breathing heavily.

I wasn't even able to speak because I fear I may get nauseous again and the dizziness is taking control now. 

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