Ch - 33 "Caring to Hating"

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"True confidence has no room for Jealousy and Envy. When you know you are great, you have no reason to hate." 

~  Unknown 

Part 33

Angel's Pov 

I really don't want to trust my eyes and ears. Blaize was caring and the look in his eyes was soft toward me. It means his hate is subsiding. 

A smile tugged at my lips and I sipped my soup. He also remembers about me being vegetarian. 

I finished my soup and stood up with my tray. I was about to walk inside the kitchen when the tray went flying from my hands. 

I looked at the broken pieces with my wide eyes then my eyes travelled to Blaize who was breathing heavily. 

"What the hell Blaize? What if she got hurt?" Benny glared at him but he glared at her back then at me. 

"I don't care, I don't care for this bitch either she dies or lives" his words again broke my heart. I knew it was coming. 

"You are the worst person I have ever encountered in my life" he yelled at me and kicked the side chair making me flinch. 

"Will you calm down? What the hell even happened? " Adrian asked, holding his shoulder. 

"Ask her,  ask her what did she do last night? Where was she, when we were searching for her like crazy?" I frowned at him but he just glared at me. 

He threw something at my face and I closed my eyes then looked down.  

There was a pin drop silence for the whole minute then Benny picked up one photo. These were photos of Mr Morris kissing me forcefully. 

But from which angle the pics were taken looked like I was kissing him by myself. My heart beats got faster and faster by the minute. I didn't tell anyone about it then why is Mr Morris doing it? 

Can't I even stay peacefully for a day ? 

"B-Blaize it's not true, th-the photo doesn't show what happened Pl-e-ease believe me please" I said getting a little closer but he stopped me from taking any more steps. 

"Don't you dare touch me, I thought you have changed but see I was so wrong, I didn't ever thought you would whore around even after marriage" tears escaped my eyes at his words. 

"Please just … just once .. lis-listen to.. to me" I begged him while sobbing. 

"I.. I. .swear. I didn't do anything, pl-" he cut me off as he yelled very loudly.  

"Shut up, not a single word. Your voice is fucking killing my ears so just keep your mouth shut, you didn't once thought how would dad feel when he'll get to know, you didn't thought about my family's name and neither my business, it's none other then James Morris, do you even know what effect will fell upon my business? Do you have any fucking idea?" He yelled at the top of his lungs and I cried looking down. 

Why can't they listen to me once? Why can't he believe me? Why? 

"I .. I. . Swear Blaize, I didn't… didn't do… anything. Just once listen-" I said with hiccups but he again yelled in the middle. 

"You want to whoring around right?  Fine go and be a whore no one will stop you and I won't be staying married to a Bitch, so be ready for the divorce" he said making my eyes wide and I cried harder. 

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