Ch - 31 "Hurt"

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"Sometimes being too kind is what gets You hurt" 

~ Johnny Depp

Part 31

Angel's Pov 

After feeling relaxed I walked out of the restroom but suddenly I was pulled inside the room forcefully. 

I was about to scream but a hand cupped my mouth. "Shhh not a word" 

My heart dropped at the voice. 

I looked up but he smirked at me. 

"I'll let go if you promise not to scream" I looked at Mr Morris with my eyes widened. 

When I didn't answer he pulled me closer and I shivered in fear. 

"Let's make it very clear, if you scream I'll tell people that you were forcing yourself upon me and believe me sweetheart, I'll make them believe me" He said with an evil grin and a tear fell down my eyes. 

No this is not happening, this is not happening, please God.  

He let go off my mouth and grinned when I didn't make a sound. 

"Pl-e-ease" I muttered in my broken voice then he just dipped his head and started kissing me. 

I felt disgusted and nauseous in my stomach, he held my right hand tightly but I punched his shoulder with my left hand. 

He didn't even move with my punches and force, I felt too weak but he brutally kissed me while I just cried and tried to break free. 

He pulled up and looked at me with only lust. "Cooperate kitten" he licked his lips and moved to my neck. "Leave me please" I yelled and kicked his leg. 

He hissed and looked angrily " you know right who I am, if you won't Cooperate then I'll gladly turn off all the deals with Blaize, and then the losses he incurred will be all because of you, his success will turned into failure and you will be the cause of it, and I'll waste no time in telling him that you forced yourself upon me and I'll make him believe that, so Kitten Cooperate " He gritted and bit my neck making me cry harder. 

I tried hard to let go while crying hard but soon I heard voices outside and he cupped my mouth again.

"Angel?  She went to the restroom but she isn't here now" It was Benny. 

"Don't worry I'll ask Bryan to track her phone."  Blaize, yes it's in my pocket. 

Mr Morris checked my dress and found my phone. "Oh dear, you need to go, but we'll meet again and then I'll finish it all, but remember kitten, if you open your mouth then I'll turn off all deals with inferno and rest you know" he winked at me and I was pushed out of the room. 

Without wasting any time I went into the restroom and washed my face and mouth. I was crying silently but I needed to control myself. For blaize, I didn't want to ruin his success so I wiped my face. 

There was no makeup left and no evidence of what happened except my puffy eyes. 

I walked out into the hall and bumped into someone, I looked up to see "Blaize" I whispered. I wanted to tell him everything. Maybe he'll believe me. 

I was about to say when he whispered yelled at me "Where the hell were you? Do you even have any idea how worried I- Benny was ? And how can you roam around like you have no husband? I don't want my family's name and business to suffer from your silly mistakes. So do me a favour and stop roaming around like it's your home" 

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