Ch - 41 "Recall"

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"Memories are used to
Recall the past.
Unusually favorable to how 
You think of yourself today."

~ Weston Jolly 

Part 41

Angel's Pov 

I walked to the pantry room and made a milked coffee for myself and blaize, I was really surprised when he said he'll have the same coffee as mine. 

He was reading the file when I came back to him. I saw the time and it's 11am  "Here, you should relax for a minute. You have been working nonstop since 7pm, what's so important?" I asked opening his lunch. 

"The clients are coming today from France so I had to prepare the documents before they arrive." I frowned at his words. "But weren't they going to come next week?" 

"Yeah, it's just they are in Newyork right now and wanted to do this meeting early. And before you ask, I didn't tell you because you already have so much work in your hand." He said closing the file. 

I sighed and pushed his lunch and coffee forward to him. "Still you are not a machine, you need to relax sometime" I said with a smile but squealed when he suddenly pulled me on his lap.

"Blaize, what are you doing? It's your office, anyone could come in" I exclaimed in a hushed voice. 

He chuckled and kissed my cheeks, making me blush. "What? I'm doing what you said, relaxing" he whispered in my ear and hugged me from behind. 

I was blushing red and he turned me around to face him. "So will you help me in relaxing?" He whispered near my lips and I closed my eyes. 

His cologne reached my senses and once again I was lost in him. I felt his lips touch mine but before he could do more, the door opened with a thud. 

I got up from his lap at a lightning fast speed and saw Bryan entered with a smirk. 

"Didn't anyone teach you how to knock?" Blaize glared at him. Seriously these two are like Tom and Jerry.  

"Why knocking, when still going to enter?" He winked at me, making me go more red. 

"I'll check on designs that Kate sent" I excused and went out but still could hear Bryan's laugh. 

He really loves to tease, annoy and push other people to their limit. I wonder who's gonna do the same with him.

Yes Kate works with inferno but only part time. 

When my hand plaster was off 5 days ago, I was able to come to the office and help with work. 

It was so embarrassing that Blaize carried me everywhere like I'm some doll. His employees were also looking amused at us but quickly moved to work when Blaize gave them his manic stare. 

He even moved my work stuff in his office, so he could see there if I needed anything.  I told him that there is a thing with the name by wheelchair but he denied again and insisted on carrying me. 

Everything was going good until the next day when I was sitting peacefully, his office door burst open and Lacey entered. 

My alarm immediately burst up and as I saw her fuming in anger, I held the chair hand tightly as Blaize was in the pantry room. 

"You bitch, he did this because of you, you ruined my life" she yelled and walked to me in long strides but before she could touch me a hand held her away from me. 

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