Ch - 3 "Best Friends"

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"Friends are medicine for a wounded heart and vitamins for a Hopeful soul."

- Steve Maraboli

Part 3

Angel's Pov

"Kate this is the tenth store we are walking in, I told you I can wear something from my closet, it's just an office party, please I'm tired" my plea was hitting on a deaf wall known for Kate's ears.

Why did I even come with her in the first place? Told you don't ever go shopping with her, it's the tenth shop we are walking and tried more than fifty dresses and still she didn't find the right dress, why does it need to be special in the first place?

"Kate, are you even listening? Urgh Kate, it's not like I'm a bride and meeting my groom at the party? Why are you so hyper?" I was frustrated and sat on the floor.

Yes you heard right sit on the floor in the middle of the store.

What? Don't blame me, my feet are ready to die. you must be wondering that why I'm blubbering stupid things, and what party and all.

Let me take you back in time, from where it all started.


Today is my first day in the company as william enterprise so I reach the office at 7:50am, it's better early than late.

As usually I sit in my small cabin and start to work on schedule and business calls, I also need to understand the work pattern for william enterprise.

My intercon beeped, "Miss Hughes, If you are in cabin then present yourself in my office in ten seconds"

What ten seconds? I quickly put the work on the desk and rushed to his office and knocked.

Only after hearing a come in, I entered. There sat Mr William and Benny William.

"G-Good m-morning sir and ma'am" I said and they only nodded in return.

"Well Angel, as you know we have so many branches of our company, so this will be one of them and here we work for two things that is textiles and clothing, I'll be the CEO for now until my son able to take the position, and here Benny will be the COO to handle the clothing line, and you'll be the assistant for us both." He started and then proceeded to make me understand all the work.

"So that's all and you can call me Christian and her Benny but Angel again does your work with perfection" Mr William I mean Christian said with a warm smile. I nodded and left to my cabin.


At 7pm I was leaving the building when I saw Christian and Benny in the lobby, but decided to not disturb him.

"You don't speak much," Christian said, stopping me.

"And I thought you are one of those girls" Benny commented with guilty eyes. Why is she guilty?

"I'm sorry for my bad behaviour that day, it was just he seemed very familiar" I said with my red face and she nodded "it's okay".

"So angel, do you live with your family?" Christian asked, breaking my heart.

"Uhm sir..I. I live with my best friend, Kate," I said looking down.

"And your family?" He asked again.

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