Ch - 8 "Self-respect"

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"I Can't control your behaviour, Nor do I want that burden... but I will not apologize for refusing to be disrespected, to be lied to, or to be mistreated. I Have Self-respect."

- Unknown 

Part 8

Angel's Pov 

I entered her room and looked at her still sleeping form. 

"Hi mom.. I missed you.  I need you mom there is so much  I need to tell you." I said holding her hand. 

I was feeling like a girl who got ragged in school, and wanted my mom to tell me that everything will be okay, she is with me. 

I know people wonder how I can be so weak to stand for myself. But that is how I am. I don't like to hurt anyone, even if that person is the cruellest one, I always feel panic when anyone tries to pick on me. 

That's how I am. But now I'm tired, I'm tired of the attraction of attack, now I just want to sit and hide from everything.

"Mom, you know humans are the worst animal god has ever created. I want to become a bird in my next birth" I said and laid my head on her hand. 

"You remember I told you about the Williams, who were taking the company where I work. Mom it was Blaize, yes mom Blaize" I cried holding her hand. 

"Mom his real name is Blaize William, and he owns the richest industry line in the world, Ian was right about Blaize, he lied to me mom, his promises and those words everything was lie, you know he even denied to know me."

"He-he called me slut mom, and today he manhandled me and threw me out like some sack, I don't know why he is doing this. He insulted me and made me cry."

"you know right that Blaize could never do such, but mom the Blaize we used to know back had never existed in this world, it was all an act and the reason is unknown to me. I'm so lost mom, i don't know what to do, please help me" I cried my heart out hugging her and told her everything that happened in the past 3 days. 

I don't know what to do now, I'm jobless, heartbroken, but what hurt me most that I didn't expect the hatred and insults from the one person who used to respect me most. 

"Mom, I have so many questions, why did Blaize leave me? Even though he promised to be back, why didn't he do so? What changed him? How could he be so heartless? He didn't even ask how was I, What happened when he wasn't there? why? Why? Why? Why can't anyone answer me questions?"

"I started to move on from my past, started to live my life in a new way, so why did he come back and even if he did, how could he hurt me like this? he crushed my self respect in pieces, I want to hate him but then why my heart still takes his side." I poured my heart to her, but didn't notice when the door opened. 

"Angel, are you okay? Oh my god what happened to you?" Kate shrieked while looking at my broken self. 

She hugged me while I poured my heart to her too. She helped me in my worst and knew everything about my past, so I can share everything with her. 

"Angel I'm so sorry, I wasn't there for you, but I really hate that shame of a man." She gritted her teeth. 

"But I can't hate him kate, I .. I tried but my heart didn't listen to me, and I felt alive from heart after so many years just to see blaize but-" I couldn't complete it because of crying.

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