Ch - 58 "Shot"

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"I can wipe away the tears from my eyes. But I can't wipe away the pain in my heart." 

~ Unknown 

Part 58

Angel's Pov 

He ripped my dress half from front and hovered over my body which was shivering in fear.

No this can't happen, please Blaize where are you? 

I had no energy left to fight with Ian, my body felt so much pain.

He held both of my hands tightly and buried his head in my neck while I just kept crying. 

But suddenly he fell off me and to the corner, making me surprised. 

I looked up to see a very Angry Blaize. My eyes widened and I stood up quickly. 

"Blaize, I knew you would come. I knew it" I said then limped to him and hugged him tightly. 

He also wrapped his arms around me tightly and I felt it again. I'm home again, I'm home. 

I cried harder when I hugged him. "I missed you Blaize, I was so scared. Please take me away, please." 

He untangled himself from me and cupped my face. His eyes were soft while sparkled like crystal because his eyes were filled with tears too. 

He looked at me upside-down,  and again his eyes were red in anger. He put off his coat and wrapped it around me.

Pulling me behind him, he captured the wood which was about to hit my head. Ian was the one who was holding that wood in his hand but Blaize snatched it and threw it away. 

Blaize punched Ian so hard on his face that he landed on the floor. "How dare you even touch her" he yelled and kicked his shin. 

Ian yelped loudly in pain and blaize fisted his hairs and dragged him out of the cabin.  

I stood there shivering, I would stop Blaize but somewhere inside I want Blaize to beat him, beat him very badly. 

Ian deserves it, he threw my wedding ring away, he tried to separate me from Blaize.

I limped outside and saw Blaize beating Ian very very badly. He punched Ian uncountable times on his jaw. Ian was bleeding very badly. 

Blaize again fisted Ian's hair and hit his head into the tree until blood oozed out. I felt nauseous suddenly seeing this much blood. 

Ian's eyes were half closed now and he fell down, Blaize kicked his stomach and thighs making Ian yelled in pain. 

Then a very important thought occurred in my mind. I can't let Blaize kill him, cops may arrest him for killing Ian and he will be away from me.  

No, I can't let this happen. 

With that thought I limped to blaize who was hovering over an unconscious Ian and kept pinching him like a madman.

"Blaize, stop please, he will die." I said and tried to hold his hand. "No Angel, go away, today I'll end this for real. I'll kill him with my bare hands." It's like Blaize was in trance to kill Ian.

"No Blaize, please stop, I can't lose you Blaize. Please leave him." I said and burst out in tears. I sobbed uncontrollably.

 It took Blaize out of his killing trance and he looked at me with his soft eyes. "No, no sweetheart, don't cry. You'll never lose me. I'm always here with you." He said standing up and hugged me.

"Please let's go from here" I held his hand and started to walk. But stopped when I remembered about my ring. 

 "Blaize,  I..I lost my ring. Our wedding ring. He threw it away and I...I tried to find it but I couldn't. I lost it." I told him with my teary eyes. 

He sighed and wiped my tears while cupping my cheeks. "It's okay Angel,  it's just a ring. I'll bring you another one, I'm glad that I found you, you don't know how scared and worried I was for you. I couldn't ever forgive myself if something happened to you. So don't worry about that ring-"

"No Blaize, that was not just a ring,  that was our wedding ring. I must find it" I cut him off in the middle and limped to the area where Ian threw the ring. 

"Maybe I can find it if I look harder." I mumbled with a shaky voice and knelt down again to find my ring.  

"Angel, sweetheart it's okay. That ring wasn't more valuable than you. You are my gem please let's go, I need to take you to the hospital Angel, please you need it." He said kneeling down beside me and I cried. 

"I lost our only memory of the wedding. I lost it." He sighed and kissed my head then wiped my tears again. "It's ok sweety, it's ok" 

"If she's not mine then no one's" we heard from behind and turned around to see Ian pointing a gun right at me. 

Blaize quickly checked his pockets and cursed. Ian pulled the trigger and shot right at me and my eyes widened when Blaize quickly hid me with his body. 

He went still in my arms and my heart felt like it would stop beating.

It happened so quickly that I didn't even have time to react. I froze when I saw blood. His blood

I felt Blaize breathing heavily and his weight got heavy on me. "Blaize?  Blaize answer me? " I asked him and shook him but he didn't reply. 

I pushed him off me and kneeled beside him. "Blaize? Say something?" He didn't reply to me, his eyes were closed too. 

I cried harder, no I can't lose him. I can't, please God.  

"Help, someone please help" I yelled and tried to pull Blaize up with wrapping my arms around his back. 

I felt something wet and froze when I saw it was blood. No, no, no please no. 

"Blaize, no please don't leave me." I cried and buried my face in his neck. 

I felt someone behind me and saw it was Ian.  "Ian, Ian please help him. Please help me take him to the hospital, he will die and I can't lose him. Please Ian help me. I can't live without him." I begged him but he laughed while limping.  

"Please Ian, I'll do anything you say just please help him." I begged but again he ignored me. 

He put the gun on my head and hissed at me. "You didn't understand my love, you always chose him over me. Now you aren't even worthy of my love. You can't live without him right?  Fine I'll send you to the exact place as him" he said and pulled the trigger.

I closed my eyes, yes if I can't live with blaize then at least I can die with him. At least we will be together after that. 

We will be together and happy at some other place where no one will ruin our happiness and no one can separate us. 

I'll never let you leave me Blaize, I'll follow you wherever you go. 

I love you Blaize, I love you so much.





Author's Note

Hope you guys like it.

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