Ch - 15 "Jealously"

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"There is no true Love without Jealousy"

~ Unknown 

Part 15

Angel's Pov 


he aroma of coffee invaded my nostrils making me feel fresh like flowers. 


what a beautiful day is today, no yelling, no door busting, no loud voices, everything is so quiet and peaceful. 

You might think how on earth is this possible? Yup the feeling is mutual. But rest assured I'll tell you about it too. 

I giggled remembering their shock faces. 

Okay, here is what happened. 


I reached the office today at exactly 7:30'am and emerged into the work schedule for today. At exactly 8'am, I prepared coffee for all of my bosses. And two coffee for someone with special mood swings. Cold and hot latte with less sugar. Just in case. 

I balanced the tray of coffee in one hand and the files in other. One by one I settled their office table with files, today's schedule and coffee. 

Just as I reached into my cabin, I heard the sound of lift open and smiled inwardly. 

I started working on the list of calls that needed to be made, until the door of my office opened with a jerk. 

"Miss Hughes, where is my schedule for today? And the file of Anderson that I was working upon?" Blaize asked in not so gentle voice. In fact quite opposite. 

I knew it. 

"Oh, Good morning, Mr William and it's at your table Sir" I replied and resumed my work. There was a moment of silence until he said again. 

"And my coffee?" 

I took a deep breath and walked out of my cabin to his office.  

I showed him the pad with today's schedule and the file he needed. Yup his coffee too. "And Mr william, these are the notes from your last meeting" I handed him the notes and walked out of his office with a smile on my face and shock on his face. 

Angel 2 

Blaize 0 

My steps halted just as I reached my cabin. "Angel, where were you? And where my schedule is-" I cut Kyle off in the middle. 

"In your office and at your table sir, wait come I'll show you" I showed him his files, schedule and last meeting notes and yup his coffee. 

He didn't have any shocked expressions; in fact, he looked rather amused. 

I showed each one of them, their files, schedule and notes. Sometimes I feel like a maid for five lords. 

Shouldn't they all have a personal secretary, instead of one for five. 

But I would never give up. 

I even prepared the conference room for the meeting, made sure to put documents, water and refreshments for everyone.

I was checking the projector when the conference room opened. "Kyle, call our so called secretary, and yell to set the conference ro--" Blaize's words was stuck in his throat as he looked at the set up. 

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