Ch - 10 "Confidence"

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"Fake your confidence and fake how sure you are of yourself. And eventually it will just start happening."

~ Amy Schumer 

Part 10

Angel's Pov 

Kate stopped the car in front of the largest building in New York. My heart started beating so loud that I could hear it in my eardrums. No, I don't think that I could do this. 

"Angel, Angel" my chain of thought was broken by Kate. I looked at her then saw myself in the mirror. 

Today's my interview in the biggest company of Newyork, The Inferno, For the Secretary post. 

Kate's boss said he didn't have any job for me now but he recommended me for this job and booked an appointment for me too, for which I'm really thankful. But now I'm thinking again about this decision. 

"What happened angel?" She asked. 

"Ka-kate, I don't think I should go in there, I mean look at the building, I'm looking like an Ant in front of Elephant. They may have some very high standards, and look at me. I'm looking like a nerd in college. I should have worn my own clothes not yours" I said in one breath. 

She raised an eyebrow on me. "Okay, yes I'm feeling very nervous, working with Alison was easy but here everyone will be strangers and, oh God I'm scared. I don't want to go inside." She sighed and held my hands. 

"Okay temme, are all your fingers the same size ?" She asked, making me confused. "What?" 

"You heard me angel" she said and I rolled my eyes. "Of course not .. 5 different sizes but why-" she cut me off in the middle. 

"That's what I'm saying Angel, you can't expect everyone to be the same, there are many different people in this world and I know how strong you are, I know you can do it. Just remember what I said, be confident and don't let anyone down you. They will try to bow you down but show them you are not born to bow down." She said and it boosts my confidence. 

Yes I can at least try. Thanking her, I stepped out of the car and walked to the building. The black skyscraper looked like a giant stone ready to crush me. 

After showing the appointment letter to security, I walked inside. It was like I entered Tomorrowland, If you remember that movie. Yes it was that modern, everything was designed with black, silver and golden. 

"May I help you miss?" Someone asked me. I turned around to find a receptionist. 

"Hello, actually I'm here for the secretary interview." I showed her my appointment letter. 

She smiled and showed me the lift which would take me to the 29th floor. Wow, so many floors. I entered into lift and pressed 29. 

I exited the lift at 29 floor but the scene made me realise, I'll never get this job. 

There were at least 50 Girls and 20 Boys sitting in the long and wide hall , behind it was a double door with a name Interview room. They have separate floors for interviews. Wow.

I sighed and sat beside a girl around my age, she was reading her cv. Every girl dressed in a pencil skirt with button down shirt, or dress till their thighs.

While I wore black stamp pants and peach color full sleeves top with black flats.

While I wore black stamp pants and peach color full sleeves top with black flats

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